Course Updates
Program Updates and Course/Subject Updates utilize similar but different systems.
- Use for individual courses and significant changes (updates to units, grading type, enrollment limits/prerequisites, etc.).
- This system is also used for proposing a new subject.
- Any changes, at all, must include a "Rationale", even if it's simply "update to course description - minor change".
Log in to the system, and search for a course to edit
Select "Edit Subject" and make changes as necessary.
Select "Start Workflow" when you have made all changes necessary and included a rationale.
Once you "Start Workflow" any additional changes you need to make will require the approval of prior changes to be halted and sent backward to you.
So, only "Start Workflow" when you have no other changes to input for a course.If you have only some of the changes you need to make available to you, you can make the changes and then select "Save Changes" until you've made all necessary updates, at which time you can select "Start Workflow".
Course Descriptions
- Course descriptions are updated once per year, in Feb/March, for inclusion in the next year's Catalog.
- Edits must be submitted by mid-March to the appropriate system in order for them to be in the Catalog for the next academic year. Missing the deadline/edits made after the deadlie are not included in the upcoming Catalog, but the one after.
Updates to course descriptions are also made in the Subject Proposal Management (SPM) system.
In late Jan/early Feb, login to SPM and copy/paste course descriptions for all MSRED courses (fall/spring/summer) and paste them into a Word document.
Turn on the Track Changes function.
Save the document as the course number and name.
Email it to the Instructor(s) asking for any edits by March 1.
Some may not have changes, others will.
Once changes are received, login to SPM again and make the edits to the description easily, (as Track Changes in Word highlights the edits for you).
As a rationale, simply input 'annual update to course description'.
Select "Start Workflow"
A template of the email sent requesting updates to descriptions can be found in the "Templates" section.
MIT utlizes CourseLeaf for updates to program descriptions in the Bulletin (Essential the Course Catalog)
- Once a year we are asked to make updates, generally early December
- You will need to update the editor/approver for CRE updates by emailing Kimberly Mancino ( ).
- Each December Bulletin update emails are sent from Kimberly's office, prompting a review of existing language, and providing a deadline.
- Updates, if any, are usually not huge overhauls, and often just small tweaks to language/changes to contacts listed on our page of the Bulletin.
CRE/MSRED Website Updates
Each year, usually in April, every page and attachment related to the MSRED Program on the CRE website is reviewed for accuracy and updates that need to be made.
Review begins in late April, just after a new class has been admitted
If there are any changes to the Program Requirements need to be made the prior December, approved by MIT, and posted by the time admissions decisions are sent.
This allows the new cohort to understand what they are agreeing to in regard to completing a curriculum, and in the curriculum we are agreeing to offer.
Beginning in late April also allows plenty of time for updates to admissions processes and requirements (online application opens Sept. 1, at which time any/all changes must be finalized and posted).
- For Subject & Program Management Systems - Alison Trachy ( )
- For Bulletin - Kimbery Mancino ( )
- For Enrollment Management-Peter Hayes (
- For Course Scheduling-Wayne Johnson (