Meeting information
- Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 09:00–10:30 CEST
- Location: Seeblick Hotel, Pelham, Germany (small meeting room)
- Connection: Zoom connection circulated by email
- Attendees: TBD
- Next meeting: TBD
Minutes are shown in magenta.
Action items are shown in red.
- 09:00–09:30: Jukka Nevalainen, "XMM-Newton/EPIC effective area cross-calibration based on galaxy clusters"
- 09:30–09:50: Further discussion of Monday's galaxy clusters plenary talks
- Dan Wik, "Galaxy Cluster Temperatures from NuSTAR, Chandra, and XMM-Newton"
- Plans to compare NuSTAR and Suzaku (outside of MMS)
- Other future work
- Jeremy Sanders, "Flux comparisons between eROSITA and Chandra for SPT-selected galaxy clusters"
- Future work
- Dan Wik, "Galaxy Cluster Temperatures from NuSTAR, Chandra, and XMM-Newton"
- 09:50–10:20: Status of Multi-Mission Study
- 2017 plan was (from Clusters_WG_session_2017_final.pdf):
- 2017 TASK 1: Define the extraction radius
- Statistics requirement and PSF minimisation prefer bigger values
- bkg and vignetting minimisation prefer smaller values
- Extraction radius = 6 arcmin
- 2017 TASK 2: Define a suitable cluster
- Hot enough (minimise 1 keV line emission, better src/to bkg at 7 keV energies
- Not too distant to yield enough photons
- Preferably low NH... if high, harder to get enough photons at the lowest energies. But we can cut the low energy band and use the rest. No requirement for NH at the moment
- kT > 6 keV z < 0.1
- 2017 TASK 3: Define a suitable observation
- Long enough for statistics.
- Cluster center – FOV center offaxis minimised
- Proceed with single on-axis observations. If too constraining (not enough clusters with enough counts) we will discuss about merging several observations.
- 100000 c in central 6 arcmin (40000 for PSPC)
- Offaxis < 3 arcmin
- Following PRELIMINARY! list consists hot nearby clusters from HIFLUGCS sample, following these criteria:
- kT > 6 keV, except for Perseus
- Offset btw. the cluster center and pointing FOV center < 3 arcmin
- Exposure > 10 ks in the available data
- Clusters in the list above are not only HIFLUGCS from Gerrit's paper, so some added, maybe Jukka added some in the Galactic plane.
- Swift now has lots of data on PKS0745.
- Chandra has lots of data on A1795.
- Add A2199 to the sample? Probably cooler than 6 keV, but also probably observed by many missions.
- Ivan has worked on A1795, adjusting work flow, also worked on chip gap/bad pixel correction on pn using image from MOS, reduces the effect on the ARF to 0.1% (link to technical note:
- 2017 TASK 4: Compile a list of available clusters and obs. ID:s fulfilling our criteria: Larry (Chandra), Eric (Suzaku), Andy B. (Swift), Steven Snowden (ROSAT), Jukka (XMM) Deadline end of April
- 2017 TASK 5: Extract and process data with May 2017 calibration information. Deadline end of June
- 2017 TASK 6: Jukka will do the stack residuals ratio analysis.
- (A/I All) Update compiled list of available clusters and ObsIDs fulfilling our criteria:
Instrument Contact Person Notes XMM EPIC MOS & pn Ivan Chandra ACIS Larry & Gerrit Suzaku XIS Eric Swift XRT Andy B. ROSAT PSPC ? (A/I Eric) Ask Konrad and Michael F. about ROSAT cluster person. Kip suggest Steve Snowden. NuSTAR Karl and Dan Wik NuSTAR LP, A2029, A478, A1795, A2199, all completed according to Karl
(A/I Eric) contact Dan and Karl about NuSTAR dataeROSITA ? (A/I Eric) Ask Konrad and Michael F. about eROSITA cluster person and data set. ASTROSAT Gulab HXMT Chen Yong Only two clusters have been observed: Coma, Perseus NICER Craig (TBC) - Add A2199 to the sample? Probably cooler than 6 keV, but also probably observed by many missions.
- 2017 TASK 1: Define the extraction radius
- 2018 summary used just XMM EPIC pn vs. ROSAT PSPC, just 6 arcmin extraction radius
- Action items from 2018
- 2018 TASK 1: Check ROSAT PSPC calibration using one of our clusters (Jukka & M. Freyberg) (Postpone)
- 2018 TASK 2: Check one cluster with Konrad's methods. Needs isothermal region for simple and accurate modelling. (Postpone)
- 2018 TASK 3: Swift XRT flux weighting of ARFs (A/I Andy B.) XRT mkarf doesn't flux-weight ARFs, so Andy has to figure out how to do this by hand.
- 2018 TASK 4: Draft ready by next IACHEC (Postpone)
- 2017 plan was (from Clusters_WG_session_2017_final.pdf):
- 10:20–10:30: other business
- Data for the concordance effort (CalStats WG)? Probably wants fluxes or flux ratios in a number of energy bands.