Your Input: 2008 IS&T Client Satisfaction Survey
Please give IS&T your input and suggestions on the questions to be included in the 2008 IS&T Client Satisfaction Survey. Members of ACCORDiacs are in the special position of both understanding many of the internals of MIT's IT organizations and services, and the client community being surveyed. You know what questions might make sense from and IT perspective, but will confuse faculty or students. You know what IT concerns faculty might have that will not be brought to light by the questions currently in the survey.
Please take a moment to look at the faculty section of the survey:
- Are there any questions that might be unclear to faculty?
- Are there questions about topics that are no longer relevant?
- Are there questions that should be asked or asked differently, but are not?
- Do questions presuppose an understanding or IT services or organization not likely to exist with faculty?
As an example of the last point, would faculty know that when we say "Help Desk services" this includes User Accounts, Athena Consulting, and the RCCs? Do most faculty know what the "2D visualization Windows cluster in Building 37" is? That sort of thing.
Similarly, with your ACCORDiacs hat on and your understanding of faculty and instructor needs, you may want to suggest a few educational technology related questions that could inform ACCORD's next few projects, or changes to the Teaching with Technology web site.
Please send notes and suggestions to me, Oliver Thomas. I'll collate the suggestions and present them to the group in IS&T putting the survey together.
Many thanks,