Thalia has three layers: database layer, repository (alfresco) layer, and web server layer.

Setting up the database layer:

Configure a MySQL server as described in the MySQL instructions.  Make sure it supports utf-8.

Setting up the alfresco layer:

  •  Configure an Alfresco server without WCM components, as described in the
        Alfresco instructions. 
  • start alfresco
  • download the thalia customization files from and run the file. It will create the thalia admin and guest users, change the default admin password for security, stop alfresco, copy thalia specific configuration files, and restart alfresco.

Setting up the web server layer (IME and UI):

  •   Configure an Apache SSL/Tomcat server as described in the Apache-SSL
        instructions.  Extra care must be
        given to certificates and wildcard DNS entries.
  •  set up ImageMagick 6.3.9
    • go to and get the source distribution:ImageMagick-6.3.2-9.tar.gz
    • unzip and unstar ImageMagick-6.3.9.tar.gz and cd to ImageMagic-6.3.9 directory
    • by default, the base installation directory is /usr/local. binary files go in /usr/local/bin and library files go in /usr/local/lib. If you want to specify an installationprefix other than /usr/local, you can do it by specify the --prefix=PATH in step 6d.
    • ./configure (specify the path here if necessary. Please note that the binary files should be in the system path)
    • make; make install
    • for more info, please refer to the Install-unix.txt in the package
    • after installation, you should be able to type "convert" command and get the help page.
  • Set up Install openLazlo servlet 4.0.2 version
    • Get the 4.0.2 version going to Choose the Servlet for 4.0.2.
    • Can be installed via tomcat manager
    • LPS_HOME must be set as an environment variable, so that the compiler can run. LPS_HOME should be set to the directory where the servlet was installed,
      e.g. /home/apache-5.5.23/webapps/openlaszlo-4.0.2-servlet
    • For some reason, the compiler script (a file called lzc) is not executable when installed. It needs to be made executable by going into
      $LPS_HOME/WEB-INF/lps/server/bin and chmod 755 lzc.
  • download the thalia customization files from and run the file. It will create some directories that Thalia depends on and copy thalia specific configuration files.
  • Deploy the thalia war file.

Set up group support on Alfresco server (for December 2008 release):

  • download the group setup files from onto the alfresco server (isda-thalia6) and run the file. It will stop alfresco, copy all the configuration files and webscripts to its proper location and restart alfresco. After this is done, you should be able to go to type in and it should list all the groups in the test domain (it should be an empty list). 
  • To set up the automatic group syncronization with moira
    • 1. the script puts the synchronization script in /home/thalia on the alfresco server and sets the permission to 744
    • 2. install the perl log4perl module by doing:perl -MCPAN -e "install Log::Log4perl"
    • 3. run the script once to make sure that it runs and check the log file /home/thaliasync.log
    • 4. schedule it in the crontab
      0 * * * * /home/thalia/scripts/ 
      It will run every hour
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