This is the section for the overall Athena Program -- various projects associated with Athena renewals, hardware and software upgrades, etc. Program Manager is Bill Cattey.
Projects and summary status
- Revise Buy Athena online Documents
Work has been scoped, amendments are being drafted. Some obsolete docs are being removed.
- Athena Installer 2008
All development work is complete. All known issues have been resolved.
New media has been released in ISO image form.
Request has been made to network to update the PXE server with the new
- Athena 10
Organized plan for Preview deliverable into an Agile Methods "Scrum"
- Athena Renewal FY 2009
Hardware Core team has made some decisions; "Buy Athena" web pages under revision; Inventory proceeds.
- Athena Legacy
Sub-projects are being identified- Zephyr to Jabber Migration
XMPP/Jabber seems the way of the future. Investigate replacing Zephyr with Jabber. - Desktop Solaris Sunset
In the coming year we will reach out to customers in advance of next year's de-commissioning of the last Cluster desktop Suns.
- Zephyr to Jabber Migration