How to Create a Local Object Portfolio in SFX
This procedure is for adding a new OBJECT_PORTFOLIO to an existing TARGET_SERVICE.
First, you need to find out how to link to the journal within the TARGET_SERVICE. Some options to find this information:
- Look at the PARSE_PARAM field in other portfolios within the TARGET_SERVICE. Is it a "jkey=" or a URL? Click on the "?" button for more information about the PARSE_PARAM field.
- Check the URL in Old Vera or the location bar in the browser
Next, in the list of PORTFOLIOS, click the "Add new Portfolio" button.
If you are starting from the TARGET_SERVICE list of portfolios:
You need to fill in the OBJECT field:
- Click the "Select Object" button. This will open up the "Search Object" window.
- Search for the OBJECT.
- Click on "Select Object" at the top of the correct record.
- This will fill in the OBJECT_ID in the "Add Object Portfolio" window.
Create the local threshold.
Fill in the PARSE_PARAM field as determined above.
Click on "Submit" to add to the KB.
To report it to SFX, open the Edit window of the Portfolio and click on "Send to SFX".
If you are starting from the OBJECT list of portfolios:
You will need to select the correct TARGET_SERVICE/getfulltext from the scroll-down menu.
The OJBECT_ID will be automatically filled in.
Create the local threshold.
Fill in the PARSE_PARAM field as determined above.
Click on "Submit" to add to the KB.
To report it to SFX, open the Edit window of the Portfolio and click on "Send to SFX".