Here is the revised Statement of Work for Crowley. I have a few questions in red italics. Please use your "fresh eyes" to make changes that will improve the accuracy and clarity of our request. (I cut and pasted from Word, so the formatting is a little off. The Word version is under attachments.)
Statement of Work
Revised June 2008
Digitization of the Microfilms of Edgerton Notebooks for the MIT Libraries
Contact: Ann Marie Willer, 617-253-5692,
Description of Project
During his tenure at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Doc" Edgerton kept detailed notes of his research in lab notebooks. 46 of these notebooks are held by the Institute Archives (part of the MIT Libraries) and 41 were preservation microfilmed by NEDCC approximately 10 years ago. The EdgertonCenter(part of MIT) is planning a comprehensive, interactive website of Edgerton's work, including the notebooks.
The Institute Archives wishes to digitize the microfilms of the 41 notebooks. There are 12 reels of microfilm containing 5,817 frames. The majority of the frames contain 2 images.
Description of Services
The MIT Libraries requires the services of a contractor to digitize these microfilms. The main objective of this project is to obtain two sets of preservation-quality TIFFs (a "Preservation Set" and an "Access Set") for each microfilm.
The Libraries will provide each reel for digitization. Each of the 12 films contains images of 3-4 notebooks, each of which will have a separate file-name scheme once digitized.
The notebooks were filmed with two pages per frame. In one set of TIFFs, the resulting digital image will be split so that there is only 1 notebook page per image. (See detailed specifications below.)
Delivery of the digital images will be on external hard drive.
Reformatting Process
The physical condition of the microfilms should be good; however, the MIT Libraries does not guarantee the condition of the original materials. Microfilms in poor condition shall not be digitized but held until consultation with MIT's Preservation Librarian.
The treatment process is as follows, and the contractor(s) should comply with these steps:
1. Documentation: Any activity taken with the microfilms must be documented through a final report. The document should report on any problems noted during digitizing.
2. Examination: Before digitizing, the microfilms must be examined. If a microfilm is not suitable for use, consult with the MIT Preservation Librarian before digitizing.
3. Imaging: The highest quality electronics and machinery should be used to digitize the microfilms. Scan in grayscale at 300 dpi. Intentional secondary exposures and targets should be digitized.
4. Splitting & cropping: Most of the 5,817 microfilm frames contain an image of 2 notebook pages. For the Access Set of TIFFs, these digitized images should be split so that each notebook page is one image.
5. Files: Please provide the following files.
- In the Preservation Set of TIFFs, each TIFF will correspond to one microfilm frame.
- In the Access set of TIFFs, the resulting digital image will be split so that there is only 1 notebook page per image.
- Check sum file Not sure where to include this.
6. File Naming: The file-naming scheme will follow this pattern specified by the MIT Institute Archives: MC###NB##### (Ex. MC025_NB_12_005) in which MC### is the collection name ("MC025"); NB stands for notebook; and then the notebook number and the image count (disconnected from the page number). How do we want them to differentiate between the split-frame (Access) set and the whole-frame (Preservation) set? Do we want the whole-frame set to be numbered continuously for each roll rather than split into notebooks? [MC025_Reel_1_005]
7. File delivery: The files should be delivered on an external hard drive(s).
8. Original microfilms: The original microfilms should be returned to the MIT Libraries inside the same cases in which they were sent and with any accompanying labels, notes, or inserts that may have been included. _Additional Project Requirements
Other requirements include:
1. Packing: Microfilms and hard drives should be packed with adequate cushioning to prevent damage.
2. Shipping: The price shall include pickup from and delivery to, or shipping to and from, the MIT Libraries in Cambridge,Massachusetts. Original microfilms must be shipped separately from the digital files. Materials must be shipped overnight and must be delivered without delay. Microfilms and hard drives may not be stored on loading docks or at shipping centers. Shipper must deliver to MIT on Monday through Friday between 9:00am and 4:30pm.
Delivery address: 160 Memorial Drive, Room 14-0513, CambridgeMA02139
Shipping address: 77 Massachusetts Ave, 14-0513, CambridgeMA02139
3. Timeframe: The contractor(s) will perform the work and return original films and digital files within one month after the receipt of the originals. Originals will be delivered by July 31, 2008.
4. Security: While our microfilms are on your premises, you will keep them in a locked, temperature-controlled storage area.
Additional Questions and Requests
1. Please provide a separate estimate for the cost of creating an offset file for the Access Set of TIFFs.