CCA tools is our preferred way to perform a logical transfer. It is a set of utilities created by the Canadian Center for Architecture. CCA tools runs a number of tools in addition to transferring the files which will allow us to better understand a transfer, such as file type identification, virus scanning, PII detection, and checksum creation and will package the files in a way Archivematica can understand.
There are two options, SIP Creator and Folder Processor. See the descriptions under each tool to see which makes sense for your use case. SIP Creator is our preferred tool for logical transfers in most cases.
SIP Creator
SIP creator allows you to select multiple folders in order to construct a single SIP (Submission Information Package) from files or folders. It is our preferred tool for logical transfers in most cases.
Folder Processor
Folder processor allows you to select multiple folders and create an individual SIP for each folder. Use this option if you have things that should be submitted as separate SIPs, either due to their size or having content from different collections. The generally preferred method is using SIP creator for each individual folder but if you feel that you need to go this route, note that you should place each folder within folders named after their corresponding accession (ex. 2020_029acc, 2020_030acc, etc.) prior to going through this workflow. If not, the tool will retain the name of whatever the folder title you select as the top-level name of the package (causing issues later).