Last Updated 7 May 2020
1. Summary of Timing Calibrations on X-ray missions
Mission/Instruments | Science Requirement Absolute Time | Timing System Design | Timing Calibration Status | In-orbit Timing-Calibration Targets | Reported Issues | Reference | ||
Requirement | Goal | GPS Receiver | Clock Stability | (Absolute Timing Precision) | ||||
RXTE/PCA | ||||||||
Chandra / ACIS | ||||||||
Chandra / HRC | ||||||||
XMM-Newton/EPIC-MOS | ||||||||
XMM-Newtion/EPIC-PN | ||||||||
INTEGRAL/SPI | ||||||||
INTEGRAL/IBIS | ||||||||
Swift/BAT | ||||||||
Swift/XRT | ||||||||
Suzaku/XIS | ||||||||
Suzaku/HXD | ||||||||
NuSTAR/FPM | 0.1 ms | 0.1 ms | ~5ms offset using | |||||
Astrosat | ||||||||
HXMT | ||||||||
Hitomi/SXS,SXI,HXI,SGD | ||||||||
NICER | ||||||||
eROSITA | ||||||||
XRISM/Resolve | ||||||||
XRISM/Xtend |
Mission completed.
Future Mission
2. In-orbit Timing Calibration Plan/Observations
2.1 Archive Data
2.1.1 List of Coordinated Observations useful for Timing
2.1.2 Reports
2.2 New Coordinated Observations
3. Studies on Timing
3.1 effects on timing products (power spec, light curve etc) by the detector’s behavior (dead time, grade selection of calorimeter etc)
4. Timing Tools, (with Statistic Group)
5. Notes