Altitudes from all flight computers. Max speed, Mach. Compare to RasAero preflight predictions.
Deployment force analysis. Update Model and Cx.
Main deployment. Analyze video from diaphragm facing camera. Load cell measurements.
Drogue deployment. Analyze video from FRR cameras. Load cell measurements.
Parachute Cd. Separate forebody body drag from parachute drag by combining load cell data with accelerometer data.
Drift. Compare position during time to weather balloon estimate. Also locate against dispersion analysis.
Descent dynamics. Analyze stable descent modes under each parachute and subsonic vs. supersonic descent.
Compare vibration loads from Hermes II to those on the staging demonstrator. Use to create a vibration spec for the spaceshot.
Compare Cd vs Mach number to RasAero predictions. Update model.
Compare angle of attack to RasAero predictions. Update model.
Compare temperature measurements to in-house predictions. Update model.
Propulsion analysis. Use altitude and pressure data to estimate motor performance. Identify acceleration-induced dynamics.
Pyxida. Altitude measurement, attitude measurement, radio performance vs altitude, etc.
Post-flight inspection of hardware – identify damage during flight and/or during/after landing. Consider reflight of components and/or entire subsystems.