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Lecture 14


The Clausius-Clapeyron equation can be used to develop equations of lines on the phase diagram, and there is a special meaning of the phase boundaries in contact with the vapor. They tell the vapor pressure above a solid or liquid.


Unable to render embedded object: File (Phase_diagram.PNG) not found.


The vapor pressure is a property of the condensed phase. It is the pressure above the solid or liquid at equilibrium. A partial pressure of a material will be established in a vapor phase above a condensed phase.


Unable to render embedded object: File (Reaching_equilibrium_vapor_pressure_--_diagram.PNG) not found.
Unable to render embedded object: File (Reaching_equilibrium_vapor_pressure.PNG) not found.

Imagine a pure system of a liquid in a container at zero pressure. The vapor phase should be stable, and the vapor reaches an equilibrium pressure. The concept of a partial pressure is useful if the vapor is not pure. If there are other species, the partial pressure is close to the vapor pressure.


At equilibrium, the chemical potential of the liquid and gas will be equal.

<math> \mu_i^L = \mu_i^V </math>


The vapor pressure will change if the chemical potential changes due to other species. In ideal gas mixtures, the chemical potential doesn't change. The effect of other species is zero; the species behave as if the others are not present. When does <math> \mu_i^L </math> change? In a pure case, there is pressure on the liquid due to the vapor pressure. In a mixed case, the total pressure is higher due to the presence of other species. The molar chemical potential, <math>\underline

Unknown macro: {mu}

_i</math> is related to the molar free energy, <math>\underline

Unknown macro: {G}

</math>, and below is the derivative of the free energy with respect to pressure.

<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial G}
Unknown macro: {partial P}

_T = \underline

Unknown macro: {V}



This effect is small. The total pressure does affect the chemical potential, but the effect is not large. There can be a good approximation by using the graph. If cadmium were to be melted in atmosphere, one would want to know the vapor pressure, and one could use the value of vapor pressure of the pure substance even though all the other gases in the atmosphere are present. This is covered in Ragone.


Clausius-clapeyron with vapor

It is useful to estimate the form of lines on the phase diagram. The equations can take on a simple form.

<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {Delta H}
Unknown macro: {T Delta V}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {dP}
Unknown macro: {dT}



There are two possible approximations, and one involves <math>\Delta V</math>, which is the volume difference between two phases.

<math> \Delta \underline

= \underline

Unknown macro: {V}


Unknown macro: {vapor}

- \underline


Unknown macro: {l}



The volume of the vapor is about a thousand times bigger than the volume of the liquid. It is possible to neglect the volume of the condensed phase.


It is possible to get rid of a variable in the equation by considering the gas to be ideal. Below is an ideal gas equation, and it is substituted into the Clapeyron equation.



<math> \underline

Unknown macro: {V}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {RT}
Unknown macro: {P}



<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {dP}
Unknown macro: {dT}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {P Delta H}
Unknown macro: {R T^2}




Separate variables, and there is not a dependence in the final equation on the volume of transformation.



<math> \frac

= \frac

Unknown macro: {Delta H}
Unknown macro: {R}


Unknown macro: {dT}
Unknown macro: {T^2}



<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {T^2}

= -d \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {1}
Unknown macro: {T}

\right ) </math>


<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {dP}
Unknown macro: {P}

= \frac{-\Delta H}

d \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {1}
Unknown macro: {T}

\right ) </math>


Vapor pressure is tabulated, and the differential equation can be integrated under two different assumptions. The change in enthalpy, <math>\Delta H</math>, can be considered constant or linear. Below is the result when <math>\Delta H</math> is considered constant.



<math> \Delta H \ne f(T) </math>


<math> ln P = - \frac

Unknown macro: {R}


Unknown macro: {1}
Unknown macro: {T}

+ C </math>


Below is a graph showing the linear relation of <math>ln P</math> and <math>\frac

Unknown macro: {T}


Unable to render embedded object: File (Ln_P_vs_T%5E-1.PNG) not found.



The most often tabulated form of the vapor pressure is the result of assuming a linear dependence of <math>\Delta H</math>. Values of <math>\Delta H</math> and <math>C_p</math> can be extracted by taking appropriate derivatives.



<math> \Delta H = \Delta H(298) + \Delta C_p(T-298) </math>


<math> ln P = A \frac

Unknown macro: {1}

+ B lnT + C </math>


Example – water


Consider the vapor pressure of water at <math> 25^\circ C (298 K)</math>.



<math> P^*(298) = 0.03 \mbox

Unknown macro: {bar}



Unable to render embedded object: File (Cup_of_water_and_vapor_pressure.PNG) not found.


There is three percent water in saturated air at room temperature. The vapor pressure of water goes up exponentially with temperature. In warm air, there is much more water.



<math> P^*(313) = 0.07 \mbox



This introduces the concept of relative humidity. Relative humidity is the water in air divided by the saturation pressure multiplied by <math>100%</math>.



<math> RH = \frac{P_{H_2O}}

Unknown macro: {P^*}

\cdot 100% </math>



A vapor pressure of water of <math>0.07 \mbox

Unknown macro: {bar}

</math> at <math>25^\circ C</math> is equal to one hundred percent humidity, while the same pressure at <math>40^\circ C</math> is equal to forty-two percent humidity. This is near the dry limit, which is arbitrarily defined at forty percent. The wet limit is above seventy percent.


It can rain when saturated air drops in temperature, which drops the saturation pressure, <math> P^* </math>. It can rain when the pressure is above one hundred percent. Similarly, on a hot day, it feels more sticky at the end of the day. The water content stays constant which the relative humidity increases.

Example – mass transport

A difference in vapor pressure caused by a temperature gradient can cause mass transport. Imagine an ice cube in a freezer. The ice cube tries to establish <math>P_i^*</math> in the interior. Heat is extracted at the side of the freezer, and the temperature is lower there. The saturation pressure is lower at the side of the refrigerator, and ice forms due to mass transport. The ice cubes shrink, and the minerals do not evaporate. This is a form of distillation; it is done at cold temperatures. This is the same reason that water condenses on a glass on a hot day. There is a region of low saturation pressure near the glass. This effect can be utilized in instrumentation. A "cold finger" can be used to keep an environment free of species. Liquid nitrogen can be used to create a cold spot in the chamber, and unwanted species in a gas can condense and be kept away.

Unable to render embedded object: File (Freezer_and_ice.PNG) not found.


"Strange" thermodynamic properties


Consider the heat capacity of saturated air. Calculate the heat capacity or the amount of heat needed to be extracted to cool one-hundred percent humid air from <math>25^\circ C</math> to <math>20^\circ C</math>. The vapor at a pressure of <math>0.03 \mbox

</math> is above the saturation pressure, and water vapor condenses when cooling. There are several components involved when caclulating the heat capacity, including the process of the air cooling five degrees, the cooling of any liquid, and the extraction of heat of condensation, <math>\Delta H</math>. The heat capacity is considerably larger than what would be calculated if all these processes were not included. The heat capacity can also depend on the speed of heating or cooling. If water doesn't evaporate during the process, then there is no need to consider the evaporation process when calculating the heat capacity. In general, when there are two different phases coexisting in equilibrium, there is a difference in heat capacity. Changing the temperature changes the equilibrium, and there are several process to evaluate.


Unable to render embedded object: File (Cooling_saturated_vapor_from_25_to_20_degrees.PNG) not found.

Example – pressure applied to two phases


Consider a material in which <math>\alpha</math> and <math>\beta</math> are in equilibrium. Change the volume by changing the pressure. If the equilibrium shifts, the response function is not just an average of the response functions of the two materials.


Unable to render embedded object: File (Alpha_beta_hydrostatic_pressure.PNG) not found.

Statistical Mechanics


Statistical mechanics involves relating microscopic and macroscopic properties. A plan is to start statisitical mechanics, and all the material will be taken together and models will be discussed. There will be a formalism of solution theory after statistical mechanics.


Solution theory


Look at the variables and functions that are relevant to open systems. Extensive variables are <math>S</math>, <math>V</math>, and <math>n_i</math>. Below are differentials of the internal energy.


<math> dU = TdS - pdV + \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}

\mu_i dn_i</math>



The chemical potential is an equation of state.



<math> \mu_i = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial U}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){S, V, n{j\ne i}}</math>



Consider three more definitions of chemical potential that are all equal to that above. Below is a relation derived from the Enthalpy.



<math> H = U + PV</math>


<math> dH = TdS + VdP + \sum_

\mu_i dn_i</math>


<math> \mu_i = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial H}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){S, P, n{j\ne i}}</math>



Consider the Hemholtz free energy



<math> F = U - TS</math>


<math> dF = -SdT - PdV + \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}

\mu_i dn_i</math>


<math> \mu_i = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial F}

\right ){T, V, n{j\ne i}}</math>



Below is a derived relation from the Gibbs free energy



<math> G = U - TS + PV</math>


<math> dG = -SdT + VdV + \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}

\mu_i dn_i</math>


<math> \mu_i = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){T, P, n{j\ne i}}</math>



Different variables are held constant in these definitions of chemical potential. Work into others by substitution.


Euler relation on open systems


Use the Euler relation on open systems. Equations of the internal energy and Gibbs free energy are below. The sum of the chemical potential times the mole number remains



<math> U = TS - PV + \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}

\mu_i n_i</math>


<math> G = U - TS + PV</math>


<math> G = \sum_

\mu_i n_i</math>



The chemical potential contributes to the total free energy; there is a weighted sum.


Define a potential of a system that is open with respect to all species and where there is full control of all the intensive variables. The potential is equal to zero. There is a relation between intensive quantities; they are not all independent.




<math> \Phi = G - \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}

\mu_i n_i = 0</math>



Equilibrium of two-phase system


Consider a system of <math>\alpha</math> and <math>\beta</math> at equilibrium. There is exchange between species but there is no transfer out. The total system is closed at constant <math>T</math> and <math>P</math>. The differential of the free energy is below the diagram


Unable to render embedded object: File (Alpha_beta_constant_T%2C_P.PNG) not found.

<math>dG = dG^\alpha + dG^\beta</math>


<math>dG^\alpha = -S^\alpha dT + V^\alpha dP + \sum_

\mu_i^\alpha n_i^\alpha</math>


Since temperature and pressure are at equilibrium, the terms <math>dT</math> and <math>dP</math> are zero.



<math>dG = \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}

\mu_i^\alpha dn_i^\alpha + \sum_

\mu_i^\beta dn_i^\beta</math>


<math>dn_i^\alpha = -dn_i^\beta </math>


<math>dG = \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}

(\mu_i^\alpha - \mu_i^\beta) dn_i^\alpha </math>



The free energy is minimal when <math>\mu_i^\alpha = \mu_i^\beta </math>. This is the equilibrium condition, and this is a similar derivation as seen previously. A first remark is that it is neither <math>G^\alpha</math> or <math>G^\beta</math> that is optimized by minimization. The relevant thermodynamic potential is <math>G^

Unknown macro: {total}

= G^\alpha + G^\beta</math>. Secondly, there is no equilibrium condition for a species that is not mobile. This is useful to remember when looking for the number of equilibrium conditions with the phase rule. Also, it is possible to solve the problem by treating <math>\alpha</math> and <math>\beta</math> as open systems where <math>\alpha</math> is in equilibrium with <math>\beta</math>


Equilibrium of open system with environment


Look at the most general equation that applies to an open system in an environment.



<math>dU - T^*dS + P^*dV - \sum_

\mu_i^* dn_i \le 0</math>



When the system is in equilibrium <math>T^* = T</math> and <math>P^* = P</math>. Consider one species and plug in <math>dU</math>, and divide by <math>dn_i</math>



<math>dG - \mu_i^* dn_i \le 0</math>


<math> \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial G}

\right ){T,P,n{j \ne i}} - \mu_i^* \le 0</math>



The whole analysis is under constant temperature and pressure. A condition of species <math>i</math> flowing into the system is <math>dn_i \ge 0</math>, and this occurs when <math>\mu_i \le \mu_i^*</math>. Material flows to where the chemical potential is the lowest.


Equations of state in an open system


Perform a Legendre transform and write in terms of intensive variables we control.



<math>U(S,V,n_i) \rightarrow G(T,P,n_i)</math>


<math>dG = -SdT + VdP + \sum_

Unknown macro: {i}




There are three equations of state



<math>S = - \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial G}
Unknown macro: {partial T}

\right )_

Unknown macro: {P, n_i}

\rightarrow S(T, P, n_i)</math>


<math>U = - \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial P}

\right )_

Unknown macro: {T, n_i}

\rightarrow V(T, P, n_i)</math>


<math>\mu_i = - \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial G}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){T, P, n{j \ne i}} \rightarrow \mu_i(T, P, n_i)</math>



The chemical potential depends on all composition variables. This is important because there is a link between equilibrium and the composition that results. Practically, we want to know the composition of the system. The relation between <math>\mu_i</math> and <math>n_i</math> is the essence of thermodynamics. The chemical potential can vary, and there can be a shift in the equilibrium condition. This last equation of state is crucial.


Call in properties with the equations of state. A relevant set of properties have been determined; look at the table below.





Unknown macro: {heat capacity}


Unknown macro: {thermal expansion}

<td><math>- \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial S}

\right ){T,P,n{j \ne i}}</math></td>


Unknown macro: {thermal expansion}


Unknown macro: {compressibility}

<td><math>\left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial U}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){T,P,n{j \ne i}}</math></td>

<td><math>- \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial S}

\right ){T,P,n{j \ne i}}</math></td>
<td><math>\left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){T,P,n{j \ne i}}</math></td>
<td><math>- \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial mu_i}

\right ){T,P,n{j \ne i}}</math></td>




Partial molar quantities (PMQ)


Partial molar quantities are derivatives of extensive variables with respect to the number of moles.



<math>X(T, P, n_i)</math>


<math>U = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial X}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){T, P, n{j \ne i}} = \overline

Unknown macro: {X}






Unknown macro: {molar property of pure}



Unknown macro: {V}


Unknown macro: {molar volume of pure}



Unknown macro: {X}


Unknown macro: {partial molar quantity}




"Chemical susceptibility"


The chemical susceptibility describes the change in chemical potential resulting from moles of a species added to a system. This is analogous to the free energy increase that results from adding charge to a system. The change of free energy that results from adding a charge is equal to the inverse of the capacitance, and the change in chemical potential resulting from the addition of a particular species is the inverse of the chemical capacitance. If the potential increases dramatically with <math>n_i</math>, the system is stiff with respect to <math>i</math>. If the change is small, much can be added with little change in potential.



<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial q}

= \Phi </math>


<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial^2 G}
Unknown macro: {partial q^2}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {partial Phi}



<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial Phi}
Unknown macro: {partial q}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {1}
Unknown macro: {C}



<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial mu_i}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

= \frac

{\mbox{chemical capacitance}} </math>



There is a cross term, which is shown below. It is present but often neglected. In old metallurgy mathts the term was grouped with interaction coefficients.



<math> \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial u_i}
Unknown macro: {partial n_j}

\right ){T, P, n{i \ne j}} </math>



Partial molar quantities


It is possible to identify partial molar quantities in solution and tell about physics though macroscopic properties. Consider an equilibrium concentration of <math>A</math> and <math>B</math> in <math>\alpha</math> and <math>\beta</math>. Apply hydrostatic pressure. One may lose more <math>A</math> in <math>\alpha</math> to <math>\beta</math> and vice versa. This is analogous to applying pressure to salt water and determining the change in distribution as the salt passes through a membrane.

Unable to render embedded object: File (Alpha_beta_hydrostatic_pressure_with_A_and_B.PNG) not found.


Look at how the chemical potential changes. In the last two steps below, apply a Maxwell relation.



<math> \mu_A^\alpha = \mu_A^\beta </math>


<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial mu_A^alpha}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {partial mu_A^beta}
Unknown macro: {partial P}



<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial mu_A^alpha}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {partial}
Unknown macro: {partial P}

\left (\frac

Unknown macro: {partial G^alpha}
Unknown macro: {partial n_A}

\right )</math>


<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial mu_A^alpha}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {partial n_A}

\left (\frac

Unknown macro: {partial G^alpha}
Unknown macro: {partial P}

\right )</math>


<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial P}

= \frac

Unknown macro: {partial V^alpha}



<math> \frac

Unknown macro: {partial V^alpha}
Unknown macro: {partial n_A}

= \overline

Unknown macro: {V}




Consider the partial molar volume of <math>A</math>. If it is less in <math>\alpha</math> than in <math>\beta</math>, the chemical potential will go up less on one side than the other with the application of pressure. Look at the partial molar quantity of entropy to evaluate the concentration shift with temperature.


Physical interpretation of PMQ

Below is a definition of the partial molar volume.



<math> \overline

_i = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial V}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){T, P, n{j \ne i}} </math>



The total volume is a weighted sum.



<math> V = \sum_


Unknown macro: {V}

_i n_i </math>



Consider adding <math>A</math> to interstitial sites of <math>B</math>.

Unable to render embedded object: File (A_adding_interstitially_to_B.PNG) not found.


The total volume doesn't change, and the value of the partial molar volume gives information about the substitution effect.



<math> \overline

_A = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial V}
Unknown macro: {partial n_A}

\right )_

Unknown macro: {T, P, n_B}




Unknown macro: {V}

_A = 0</math>



Consider a system entirely of <math>A</math>.



<math>X_A</math> = <math>1</math>, <math>\overline

_A = \underline

Unknown macro: {V}




It is possible for the partial molar volume to be negative. In this case, the volume of the system goes down with the addition of a species. Stuff is pulled closer together. Consider adding <math>MgSO_4</math> to a system. Ions dissociate, polarizes water, and pulls the molecules closer together. A negative partial molar volume is common to ionic materials. Oxides commonly pull the environment closer. Another example is <math>Li_xCOO_2</math>. This is a most famous material; it is used in batteries. Reversibly taking <math>Li</math> is a way to store charge. Adding <math>Li</math> results in a decrease in volume. This never happens in metals. Oxides behave very differently than metals.


Unable to render embedded object: File (Adding_MgSO4_to_water_-_diagram.PNG) not found.
Unable to render embedded object: File (Adding_MgSO4_to_water_-_graph.PNG) not found.



Partial molar magnetization


Consider an open system and magnetization. Below is the partial molar magnetization; it is a measure of how much <math>i</math> contributes to the magnetic moment.




Unknown macro: {M}

_i = \left ( \frac

Unknown macro: {partial M}
Unknown macro: {partial n_i}

\right ){T, P, n{j \ne i}}</math>



Consider adding <math>Fe^

Unknown macro: {3+}

</math> ions to a paramagnetic material. The large moment of <math>Fe^

</math> polarizes the surrounding environment, and the total moment added is much larger than the moment of the ion alone.

Unable to render embedded object: File (Adding_Fe3%2B_to_paramagnetic_material.PNG) not found.

Magnetic Semiconductors


Consider adding <math>Mn</math>, a ferromagnetic material, in <math>GaAs</math>, a semiconductor. Ions of <math>Mn</math> are acceptors; they create holes in the valence band and polarize the holes created. When the unpaired electrons in the valence band are not polarized, the up and down spins balance. The spins can be polarized up or down in the valence band by <math>Mn</math>, and the result is a magnetic semiconductor. Magnetic semiconductors are used in spintronics applications.

Unable to render embedded object: File (Conduction_and_valence_band_undoped.PNG) not found.
Unable to render embedded object: File (Conduction_and_valence_band_doped.PNG) not found.

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