This page details large tests. This does not include incremental assemblies & practice for each subsystem, which people will need to do before the launch rehearsal.
Test 1: Ground Test + CRIMP, 4/6
- Assembly checklists for guidance (should not be too rigorous, rely on training)
- Verification checklists for rigorous checking of proper assembly (should be very simple and clear and have photos)
- Flight team assignments
- Pre-charge cameras, payload, and ALL altimeter batteries 1 day before
- Put rocket together with flight team. Go through Assembly steps, especially with Avionics, Recovery, and Payload
- Bring rocket out to Field A for ground test with flight team
- Turn on electronics from outside the rocket and leave them on for ~1 hour
- Perform ground test after ~1 hour
- Transport rocket back to lab
- Practice integration with flight team
- Verify electronics can be turned on from outside the rocket, including cameras
- Verify fully integrated pad life
- Completed Avionics + Recovery Ground Test without cameras
- Refined packing lists
Test 2: Launch Rehearsal, 4/13
- Verification checklists for rigorous checking of proper assembly (should be very simple and clear and have photos)
- Flight team assignments
- Pack tools & GSE listed in assembly checklists
- Pre-charge cameras, payload, and ALL altimeter batteries
- Transport only those tools to the hangar
- Assemble Hermes II in the hangar
- Put in "Final Integration" state
- Finish integration in hangar
- Log single point failure locations
- Refine packing lists
- Add missing tools & materials
- Add missing flight parts
- Log Assembly times
- Overall start/finish
- By subsystem
- Final integration
- "Wish List" for additional GSE
- Practice rocket integration in hangar
Test 3: Launch Rehearsal, 4/20, 4/27 and/or 5/4
- Pack tools & GSE listed in assembly checklists
- Pre-charge cameras, payload, and ALL altimeter batteries
- Transport only those tools to the hangar
- Set up tables & test stand as "launch tower" on Briggs prior to transport (simulate "FAR")
- Assemble Hermes II in the hangar
- Log & acquire any missing tools/GSE
- Put in "Final Integration" state
- Transport to Briggs Field A with GSE, including test stand as "launch tower"
- Perform Integration & Prelaunch procedures (except igniter, incl. raising to vertical)
- Verify telemetry in launch ready configuration
- Perform "rocket take down" procedures
- "Launch" with telemetry and video during a ground test
- Use recovery procedures to pick up & safe the rocket
- Transport back to lab
- Log all data
- Loosely simulate launch environment
- Allow extra tools to be obtained easily as long as they are logged
- Determine GSE needed for successful launch/recovery
- Train flight team
Test 4: Launch Simulation, 5/12-13 (stretch goal)
- GSE for packed configuration
- Refined checklists from above tests
- Pre-set, reasonable adverse conditions
- Pack tools & GSE listed in assembly checklists
- Pre-charge cameras, payload, and ALL altimeter batteries
- Stow in containers that will go to LA
- Pack coolers of food, tents, tables
- Transport only those tools to the hangar
- Assemble Hermes II in the hangar
- forgotten tools, missing parts require time delays to be recorded
- Put in "Final Integration" state
- Go to sleep, wake up early the next morning
- Collect everyone at the hangar prior to going to Field A
- If people sleep in, they are "sick" and cannot take on the usual role
- Set up tables & test stand as "launch tower" on Briggs prior to transport (simulate "FAR")
- Pack a car with rocket & GSE, drive to Kresge oval
- Transport to Briggs Field with GSE
- Perform Integration & Prelaunch procedures (except igniter, incl. raising to vertical)
- Verify telemetry in launch ready configuration
- Perform "rocket take down" procedures
- Perform "Launch" with telemetry and video during a ground test
- Recommended: Recovery team walks 2 miles with backpacks & water & snacks
- Rest of team does launch site cleanup
- Use recovery procedures to pick up & safe the rocket
- Recommended: Recovery team walks 2 miles with the rocket and backpacks & water & snacks
- Transport back to lab
- Log all data
- Report estimated total time (with delays)
- Test flight team with realistic & adverse launch environment
- Train support people
- Get Hype