About this wiki
This resource is operated and maintained by the Educational Technology Consultant's Group, which is part of Academic Computing, which is part of Information Services and Technology at MIT.
You are currently connected to a development server. A production server is on order. We hope to have it installed and ready to go by early April.
How's it Work?
Confluence is segmented into 'Spaces'. A space can be either world readable or made accessible only to members of a given group (or set of groups). You are currently in the 'Welcome to the Confluence Wiki', or 'TOP' space, This space is world-readable. To get any of the wiki's private spaces requires either:
- a valid MIT certificate
and - membership in a Moira group which has been granted access to the space
or, for non-MIT users..
- a Confluence username/password account (which must be requested from the administrators)
and - membership in the appropriate Confluence group (ditto)
You must also have Javascript enabled in your browser.
A space needs to be requested and set up centrally. The contact is confluence-space-request@mit.edu.