MIT Hive/Bootcamp Pilot Meeting (10/26)
Digital Community
Different partners
Following a clear pattern, but would like to explore different treatments for the Home page to avoid that sort of “canned” experience – moving from a pilot type thing into “productionalizing” this
Turn Hive into 2-sided service
We see what Bootcamp is doing with us as the “future” – make it as clean as easy as possible
How much access to add our own content/go in and edit it – admin rights, different users
Where Bootcamp is at:
Moving from having a informational site to a site that’s more focused on marketing and presenting content
What it is –
But, no way for people to engage the community
People are starting to not go through the Mooks and go straight to Bootcamps, more difficult for us to communicate the value – haven’t been able to represent the alumni engagement to the public
*Main goals:
1. Drive Admissions/Applicants
2. Destination for Bootcamp alumni (tiered system – engage just Bootcamp alumni)
3. Destination for people who have taken the Mooks, thinking about Bootcamps
Website for convening place – don’t have that now – tons of content
E seminars
Easily apply, easily engage with content
Content is produced by –
Alumni (on LinkedIn, Medium, occasional Facebook post) – very engaged, “true believers”
Bootcamp team – writes profiles
One minute testimonial videos
Marketing – do a lot of paid adds on Facebook
- High profile, active alumn
Bootcamp is perfect audience – very engaged audience
Everything corresponds and correlates to a lot of the stuff Hive is trying to cover
Transition wouldn’t be about losing what’s on the site, but creating a complimentary space
Engage – MOOC, Bootcamp, Beyond (before, during, after)
Existing website – marketing channel
What Hive can do to compliment that – a place where people can go before and after Bootcamp à is just one week
Starts with MOOC, then one-week, what really matters is what you do afterwards
Alumni group now is basically just a Facebook group that we check in on –
- Collaborative post-event space that might be missing
- Tailoring “Project” feature to Bootcamp (Business plan, for example)
- Consider Facebook embeds
- Maybe consider Hive more of a pedagogical tool – if they were proud of their pitches, they could share them at Hive
- Ideas generated around Bootcamp
Challenge of switching/moving platforms – what’s the best way to get people off of Facebook and engage with something else?
Lemelson is a good example
Everything featured on Facebook drives back to ClimateX
Figuring out how existing marketing site and Hive site works together so that we can make it a seamless transition, avoid the feeling that you’re jumping between two spaces
Podcasts – with alumni (someone on Bootcamp is doing that now)
Related content – would like to be able to sequence things, a Track
Pages on site –
A Page just for the class – Brisbane 2018, for example – a place to discuss, learn before Bootcamp – Hive helping with Bootcamp content management à Climate Summit splash page, tailored
Have the ability to lock off content for only people who have signed up, paid deposit, sign in with same email, etc. – specific content that only alumni can see –
Hive: 8-12 weeks for ramping up design and development
Bootcamp: not exactly organized either…
Easy next step – set up dev/pilot instance – gets them more comfortable with how it works, and lets us start talking about designs/categories, start observing what’s good and what’s bad and putting it in our queue
Flat out until December 5th - can be responsive, can’t do much until mid-December
Early to mid-December: some mock-ups –
a) What it looks like to have a landing page for Brisbane, etc.
b) What it looks like to build it – capability to go into site and change it
c) An hour “post-it” exercise, lay it all out there with Andrew and Erdin
Early January – we can pick back up – hit the ground running, so to speak
Put In Googledoc:
Discover Arrive Explore Decide Engage
An hour “post-it” exercise, lay it all out there with Andrew and Erdin
Thursday – 10:30 – noon; 11/9: “post-it session” – Bootcamp Marketing/Planning Session Workshop