Civic Design Network:
Proposed Content Strategy:10.25.17 - Content Strategy.docx
Proposed Production Schedule: Production Schedule - Gantt Chart.xlsx
MIT Hive:
Deck for meeting: Deck_103017.pptx
General Notes:
Hive/Civic Design Meeting II (10/30)
Relevant materials:
- Content Strategy doc
- Production Schedule excel doc
- MIT Hive Deck
- Initial designs
- Clarify initial features, functions, and designs for first version
- Agreement for work plan on content delivery
Civic design network
Logo – what we want to evoke – problems addressing/solutions offering
Administrators ability to code
How much of the site can be searched by text
How to promote users using search function
Site index
Search bar
How much content before going live – soft launch
*“Principle Pathway” –
Once critical mass is hit, have people talk about their personal experiences with principles
- Defending integrity of discreet principles/phases
- End on a fun note
- Interview for different audiences, cultivate personas
- What are we trying to illuminate – core set of things
After hearing this, what questions do you have? Sustain a conversation
Civic Design Network
Media – build/distribute knowledge
People/Social – collaborate, action
Connection between two kinds: story
Linking between platforms
Interaction between CDN and Democracy’s Path Forward – a unifying question(s)
- Meeting with Dave
- Set up another meeting with marketing focus
Some design that refers people who are healing can find additional support