Climate Conversations Editorial Meeting II (10/23)


Agenda Items:

  1. 1.     New music options #2
  2. 7 principles of climate justice…
  3. Season II style, themes, etc.
  4. 4.     Zak Accuardi interview
  5. 5.     Timothy Gay’s students over xmas? – sometime in January when the kids are back from Xmas break



-       What is the overall thing we are creating? No longer just one podcast at a time where there’s no overarching theme – what’s a season?

-       Could we put together a syllabus for Season 2? Here’s our season, may not flesh out every topic, here’s how we’re going to cover it – one podcast, a couple of write-ups, and a resource list – more synchronization between podcasts and other content objects – synchronizing writing to podcasts

-       Who do we have lined up for Season 2 so far, what they can offer so far as themes, topics, etc.  – topics that Curt would like to see discreetly/explicitly represented during Season 2: indigenous, gender, legacy of colonialism/neoliberalism

-       Mary Robinson foundation: 7 Principles of Climate Justice – how do you see them influencing the work? Kind of a completeness check – how do operationalize them? Part of the framing, but doesn’t cover everything

-       How do we tell a story that people really want to hear and read and watch?

-       How do we consider the things that are already lined up - already have 7 people lined up

-       How pure do we want to be with Season 2 as being Climate Justice?

-       Season 2 and Climate Justice aren’t necessarily identical – Francis and John published as Climate Summit; what do we do with one-off interviews? But, we want to be fairly pure with Climate Justice; à

-       Season 2 = Climate Justice ; people who don’t fit, we have slots for it (Climate Summit, Bonus Episodes) -> let’s not go after it, but if someone really comes up then we shouldn’t turn them down

-       So, essentially: 15 sub-topics – this is this week’s Climate Justice theme/topic

-       Notion of releasing all topic points at once – perhaps would be more valuable to release each topic-point on a weekly basis

-       Climate Justice Season 2 Package: start off with releasing one at a time each week, come up with a way to package it in the end and find a way to really push it out – story will likely change as interviews happen

-       Curt’s Season 2 prospectus –


  1. Geoffrey (science and justice? / broad Justice; capitalism) type thing – MIT Injustice
  2. Nick O. – (kind of fit them in)
  3. Mike Wilson (kind of fit them in)
  4. Zak (transportation)
  5. Trish (ethics)
  6. Lisa (environmental justice)
  7. Nick Mullins (jobs)


 Youth – Timothy Gay

Indigenous – global slant or keep it somewhat local

Gender - 

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