Updated Plan (10/5)
RK, CN, LH, NC, MB Spoke with Tom Kiley
1. Projects
There will be 5 x 2 (10) Speakers for the 5-min presentations
For each speaker, ClimateX will post a Project.
ClimateX will work with speaker to solicit the information required – perhaps using a survey tool to get basic questions answered.
Tom will work with each speaker to detail the basic commitment for each Speaker
Provide the deck in advance of the presentation
Provide basic information about the presentation in order to allow ClimateX to populate the page.
Become a member of ClimateX. It's up to the member to decide if they'll respond to public comments/questions on ClimateX.
ClimateX will work to have all projects uploaded and posted prior to the presentation.
2. Podcasts
ClimateX will begin to plan podcast sessions with Moderators and Speaker