The last meeting of the IACHEC Heritage Working Group was held on the 23th of April 2015 (10th IACHEC). The outcome of the discussion is summarized in the following documents:
- Heritage Working Group Charter
- Summary of the 1st Working Group meeting at the 9th IACHEC
- Introduction to and summary of the 2nd Working Group meeting at the 10th IACHEC
- List of actions
- A Synoptic View of In-Flight Calibration Plans (JATIS paper, submitted version, 17 June 2015)
- Standards for spectral calibration data analysis (IACHEC Report Series#3, draft version 0.1)
- Questionnaire to build an IACHEC knowledge database (draft version 0.1, 7 August 2015)
Library of ground-based and in-flight calibration documents:
- Chandra
- XMM-Newton:
- NuSTAR in-orbit calibration paper: "Calibration of the NuSTAR High-energy Focusing X-ray Telescope", K. K. Madsen et al, ApJS, 220, 8,2015
- SPIE telescope articles:
- "In-flight PSF calibration of the NuSTAR hard X-ray optics", H. An et al, 9144, 1, 2014
- "NuSTAR on-ground calibration: I. Imaging quality", N. J. Westergaard, 8443, 2012
- "NuSTAR on-ground calibration: II. Effective area", N. Brejnholt et al, 8443, 2012
- "Coatings for the NuSTAR mission", F. Christensen et al, 8147, 2011
- "NuSTAR ground calibration: The Rainwater Memorial Calibration Facility (RaMCaF)", N. Brejnholt et al2011, 8147, 2011
- "First results from the ground calibration of the NuSTAR flight optics", J. Koglin, 8147, 2011
- "Fabrication of the NuSTAR flight optics", W. Craig et al, 8147, 2011
- "NuSTAR: system engineering and modeling challenges in pointing reconstruction for a deployable x-ray telescope", I. Harp et al, 7738, 2010
- "Optimizations of Pt/SiC and W/Si multilayers for the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array", K. K. Madsen et al, 7437, 16, 2009
- "Evaluation of epoxy for use on NuSTAR optics", H. An et al, 7437, 2009
- "NuSTAR hard X-ray optics design and performance", J. E. Koglin et al, 7437, 2009
- "W/SiC and Pt/SiC multilayers for the NuSTAR hard X-ray telescope", C. P. Jensen et al, 5900, 2005
- SPIE detector articles:
- "Inflight performance and calibration of the NuSTAR CdZnTe pixel detectors", T. Kitaguchi et al, 9144, 2014
- "Spectral calibration and modeling of the NuSTAR CdZnTe pixel detectors", T. Kitaguchi et al, 8145, 2011
- "Development of focal plane detectors for the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) mission", V. Rana et al, 7435, 2009
- SPIE operations articles:
- "NuSTAR observatory science operations: on-orbit acclimation", K. Forster et al, 9149, 2014
- "Highly automated on-orbit operations of the NuSTAR telescope", B. Roberts et al, 9149, 2014
- SPIE mast articles:
- "NuSTAR: System engineering and modeling challenges in pointing reconstruction for a deployable X-ray telescope", D. I. Harp et al, 7738, 2010