VTC Members are encouraged to contribute short project status reports on this page.
New VGOS stations and station upgrades to VGOS
GGAO and Westford resumed their VGOS Demonstration Series sessions in November and have observed three more sessions of 1, 5, and 24 hours.
Arthur Niell - 2016 Jan 27
The 12m signal chain installation / checkout is on schedule.
1) All of the signal chain systems (frontend and backend) were installed by 1/21
2) Frontend / Backend Integration completed 1/25
3) Have begun signal chain integration testing and verification (estimated completion 2/5)
Chet Ruszczyk - 27 Jan 2016
- Operation of Ishioka antenna is now under interruption because of construction of operation building, and will resume after April.
- Modification of cryogenic dewar for QRFH system is being done.
Yoshihiro Fukizaki - 28 Jan 2016
Construction of the antenna foundation and tower to be completed by June, with observations starting before the end of this year.
Guangli - 28 Jan 2016
AuScope (Hobart, Katherine and Yarragadee)
Initial testing of Stirling Cycle broadband system has been completed at Hobart. Upgrade of all three sites planned to be completed by the end of 2016.
Currently a prototype receiver is under revision and testing at Callisto. A DBBC3 has arrived at Hobart and is installed. Successful tests at 16 Gbps. S/X mixed-mode observations possible with Hobart 12m.
Jim Lovell - 27 Jan 2016
Kashima 34m
Our 34m antenna is ready for observation for 3-12.5 GHz frequency range.
And our DAS is capable of observation for 1GHz bandwidth at any frequency location in this frequency range.
Since our 34m antenna does not have fast slew speed as described in the VGOS specification, thus real improvement of geodetic parameter may not be gained with our station. But I believe we will be able to contribute at the development stage of the VGOS system.
So could you please consider some R&D experiment including slow slewing Kashima 34m antenna?
Another issue is data acquisition mode. The broadband observation at arbitrary frequency selection is only available with continuous 1GHz bandwidth observation, instead of multiple 32MHz bands.
I wish to request relaxing the restriction of observation mode so that includes 1 GHz bandwidth observation modes.
Mamoru Sekido - 23 Jan 2016
S/X Observations with fast antenna network
Mixed Mode Observations
Technology Updates
The development activity is mainly concentrated on the realization of the unified control software which connects all the functionalities realised by the different parts of the system.
A number of calibrations are required for each IF and simplification/automatization methods are under test. A number of commands will be added to the control software in order to activate in background such 'continuous' calibrations if required.
The firmware available at present is the DSC full band with bw up to 4 GHz for each IF. PFB with 256 MHz channels is in development, so as DDC with 128-64-32-16-8.
A combination of the three modes will be implemented.
A number of VGOS complete systems (8 IFs) is under construction.
G. Tuccari - 26 Jan 2016