Release Notes to QA
Part 1 (Dec 17, 2007)
TH-139: allow special characters in custom metadata names (
TH-370: the subcategory box is prepopulated in advanced search (
TH-166: when displaying item tags, should display both category and tag (
TH-260: Improve Extended Metadata UI (
TH-153: Manage tags should also use typeahead text with tag selector (
TH-134: After deleting a tag in the Manage Tags section, tag still appears in list. (
TH-122: Search for multiple tags (extended metadata) (
TH-446: Tags seem to vanish from groups of items (
TH-408: Cannot tell that refresh has taken user to new Album/Slideshow if created while Album/Slideshow tabs are closed (
TH-389: Navigator should scroll to make newly selected items visible (
TH-424: clicking & dragging files the Navigator Scroll Bar does not always scroll (
TH-397: The "download contact sheet" button should be enabled for libraries the user have read access also (
Part 2 (December 26, 2007)
TH-274: UI needs case-insensitive value comparison in drop-down lists
TH-441: Metadata pane not refreshing tags between items, particularly when selecting multiple items
TH-165: Rights field not displaying if data does not match one of the options
TH-322: search criteria doesn't refresh when you move from one saved search to another
TH-147: Search "Refine Results" does not work from saved search
TH-112: Thalia website
TH-139: When special characters are in tag name, ""integrity error"" is reported"
TH-160: bulk upload doesn't handle special characters in category"
TH-372: confusing behavior when changing a read-only album
TH-67: In MAC OS X/Safari V2.0.4, saving to the backend broken.
TH-343: Make Thalia work on Safari
TH-76: In MAC OS X/Safari V2.0.4, message did not display that Library could not be deleted even though library was not deleted.
TH-260: Improve Extended Metadata UI
TH-443: 'Get info' button sometimes displays unexpected info moving file Library to Library
TH-380: Switching too soon TO the Library items are being copied/moved to stops copy/move operation
TH-392: During a bulk upload, if I click on another library, I get a msg "there was a problem with this import"
TH-448: The same Category Tag appears twice
TH-447: Custom tags - when duplicated, appear to add themselves to all items in all Libraries
TH-442: file names remain in the main window randomly
TH-435: Navigator behavior is inconsistent: where user is taken after dragging items to L/A/SS to/from L/A/SS depends upon the source and the destination of the moved item.
TH-421: library summary information is incomplete unless library has non-zero number of items and has finished loading
TH-379: Library refresh is confusing
TH-297: please document the continuum set up in wiki
TH-425: >10 free form tags does not produce an error nor is user warned on screen
TH-441: Metadata pane does not refresh between items, or between Libraries - affects Tag information on multiple items
TH-397: The "download contact sheet" button should be enabled for libraries the user have read access also
TH-165: The rights field is not displayed correctly for HST if the field value doesn't match one of the options
TH-438: Error message improvement - when trying to download a deleted item from an Album
TH-274: UI is not displaying storage value for PSB (because "cd" != "CD")
TH-153: Manage tags should also use typeahead text with tag selector
Part 3 (December 28, 2007)
TH-459: Metadata changes itself in Search and Saved Search/ Refresh problem?
TH-461: Title is required field. NOTE: this is a partial fix, as entering only whitespace is still allowed, and should not be
Custom metadata fields in upload screen now are enabled, and testable
Part 4 (January 2, 2008)
TH-464 Flash error and program slowdown/stop when switching between Library and Manage Metadata pane
TH-492 Cannot rename item in Album - error message "This is a required field. Please enter a title for value and try again."
Part 5 (January 2, 2008)
TH-487 Custom Metadata doesn't all show in info pane; it is there and can be searched on, but cannot be seen until some is deleted
TH-483 while loading Search Results, it would be nice if italic "loading..." message appeared (like it does when loading files for Lib/Alb)
TH-456 Bulk upload manually entered metadata does not save
TH-479 'New Search' button doesn't seem to work on Advanced Search/Refine Results screen
Part 6 (January 8, 2008)
TH-142: Can't upload 2GB file - errors
TH-174: Can not upload single image when a bulk upload is in process
TH-504: upload fails if edit/change Library name during upload (bulk & single uploads)
TH-309: Upload single: "completed" message reappears during new upload
TH-287: Add status information during photo uploads
TH-288: Need clearer language in upload confirmation message
TH-234: Upload interface is confusing to users
TH-283: Bulk upload: reset all fields when starting a new upload
TH-285: Bulk upload: default to "specify metadata"
TH-301: Bulk Upload screen suggestions
TH-485: Upload metadata pane (individual or bulk) shows last viewed custom metadata when it should show just empty fields [non-issue because of above changes]
TH-495: "More" button for Advanced Search does not clear previous search terms
TH-494: Hit Enter key to add free-form Tags; appears to wipe out just entered text; actually adds tags but the user cannot tell
TH-472: Item urls should no longer be stored in displaymaps, should be constructed from the itemid
TH-460: Contact Sheet; cannot download item that has no file name
TH-469: Change permission options to 'viewer' and 'collaborator' for album and slideshow
TH-498: Information Pane - multiple item edit will not allow Title to be left blank; error - Title is a required field
TH-479: 'New Search' button doesn't seem to work on Advanced Search/Refine Results screen
TH-153: Manage tags should also use typeahead text with tag selector
TH-416: Improve user friendliness with regard to deleted Items
TH-401: Deleted Items shows 'preview not available' instead of 'item not available'
Part 7 (January 11, 2008)
Access Control changes are all in. Please read the access control design notes at
and give it a vigorous test.
TH-470: Dragging items to albums/slideshows, will need to add some additional access checks per new access control design"
TH-468: Add 'batch permissions' option in library, album, search results and slideshow (not sure about slideshow)"
TH-477: >10 freeform tags error message should remain visible longer (currently disappears after 5 sec)
TH-505: Can't see "Title is a required field" error message when pane is scrolled to bottom
TH-506: "Title is a required field" error message should last longer.
TH-517: Update map code so it does not save item urls"
TH-516: Make img urls in contact sheet be dynamically created"
TH-362: Odd error message received moving file from Lib w/ Read/Download to Lib w/ Write/Admin permissions
TH-372: confusing behavior when changing a read-only album
TH-495: "More" button for Advanced Search does not clear previous search terms
TH-438: Error message improvement - when trying to download a deleted item from an Album
TH-524: thumbnail preview doesn't display correctly for odd file types
TH-420: add image to library doesn't change its modification date.
TH-245: allow user to do access control on item level
TH-169: bulk upload failures should be handled more gracefully
TH-191: Options and keyboard control for slideshow player
TH-210: Slideshows should look consistent, not change by user Permissions
TH-283: Bulk upload: reset all fields when starting a new upload
TH-284: Need more tool tips in navigation
TH-327: can't play slideshow when logged in as admin
TH-330: Removal of image from a slide results in the image not staying "removed"
TH-334: Image cannot be removed from a slide unless the image is replaced with another image or the slide itself is moved or deleted
TH-476: Remove 'Create New Library' functionality from Bulk Upload screen
TH-512: Version field should cycle through build info rather than display it all at once (now with BUILD: label)
TH-518: Empty drop spots in slides aren't left empty
TH-521: Create "Share Album" image to replace "Share Collection"
Part 8 (January 14, 2008)
TH-544: Update maven so it creates folder of downloadable_slideshow lzx files and puts them in the IME
TH-537: Item info, title, description, metadata: of last viewed item remain when editing multiple items - and will save themselves to multiple item edit
TH-548: The bulk download feature should include the file name in the data.xml
TH-542: User with Read &/or Download permissions appear to be able to delete Slides & items in Image Palette
TH-541: No Thumbnail view in Album or Slideshow: in any Album or Slideshow created in S4.V7
TH-508: Java for downloadable slideshow
TH-500: give users the ability to add Custom Metadata to zip archive metadata.txt
Part 9 (January 16, 2008)
TH-536: Ability to switch from Bulk Upload pane back to Single Upload pane
TH-554: Item Share pane shows last viewed permissions - even if they don't apply to the currently viewed item
TH-563: User with Library downloader permission cannot download any items.
TH-567: User with Library downloader permission cannot download Contact Sheet
TH-398: metrics output utility program should include disk usage
TH-555: Error message received, " has received an incorrect or unexpected message. Error Code: -12227"
Part 10 (January 17, 2008)
TH-139: When special characters are in tag name, ""integrity error"" is reported
TH-186: New Functionality: add ability to download Slideshows
TH-442: file names remain in the main window randomly
TH-538: Item info pane in Search: Edit Multiple Items warning shows on Search info pane
TH-547: Add a 3rd radio button defaulting to 'No Metadata' for Bulk Upload screen Metadata section
TH-566: Cannot Edit Item info in Library with writer permission
TH-570: Access - User can NOT drag item from Read only Album to private Album/Slideshow
TH-574: Cannot add tags to multiple items
TH-576: semicolon in metadata.txt adds "x003b" as custom metadata during bulk upload
TH-577: metadata.txt with special characters in header row adds odd custom metadata during bulk upload
Part 11 (January 18, 2008)
TH-591: Search cannot find items that exist only in Album or Slideshow
TH-533: Item highlight: keep item highlighted after editing.
TH-594: Show owner of library, album or slideshow
TH-592: Improve error message when dragging to an album/slideshow is not accepted
TH-571: Album: Item info cannot be seen by ADMIN user in any level of Album - Read/Collaborate/Owned
TH-539: No information available for files displaying "Item No Longer Available" - should there be Title? Description?
TH-575: Multiple problems displaying item info in an album
TH-580: Album Share Pane: label the Album owner "Owner" rather than "Collaborator"
TH-556: Item Share Pane: should give some hint as to what the Library permissions are
TH-565: Need to check authz on item when selecting single item in thumbnail view, as item may have custom permissions
TH-576: semicolon in metadata.txt adds "x003b" as custom metadata during bulk upload
TH-577: metadata.txt with special characters in header row adds odd custom metadata during bulk upload
Release to production: planned for Tuesday, 1/29.
This includes an Alfresco model change; instructions are at .