Timeline & Project Plan
The release project is scheduled to begin on December 20, 2007 and will end in February 2008.
The release team will meet every Wednesday starting Wednesday January 9, 2007, location is TBA.
To view the project plan, click here.
Meeting Minutes
- Blackberry Desktop Manager for Windows XP/Vista and Mac OS X (initial setup and synchronization).
- Email via Blackberry Internet Services - BIS
Known Issues
- The BlackBerry Internet Service does not offer a true two-way IMAP client with MIT's email. If you mark a message as read or deleted, it may NOT send those changes back to MIT's IMAP mail servers. You will need to mark or delete the message again when you check mail from your desktop or laptop computer. Other devices such as Palm Treo or Windows Mobile devices have true 2-way IMAP clients which will send updates back to the central mail server.
- When the user opens an old email from the computer, the message may get pushed to the BlackBerry device as a new message.
- Some attachment files cannot be opened even though the attachment types are supported. Users should not rely on the BlackBerry email to view and edit attachments.
- TechTime calendar synchronization can be performed over-the-air using a third party software (SyncJe for BlackBerryfrom Nexthaus). However, some users will encounter problems with this method depending on the amount of calendar data that is synchronized. Users are advised to consult mobile-help@mit.edu prior to making the decision of purchasing a BlackBerry.
Wish List
Web Development
Project Team
- Matthew Sullivan - SWRT Mobile Devices Consultant
- Andrew Yu - SWRT Mobile Devices Platform Coordinator
- Lee Ridgway - CSS
- Hans Dietrich - DITR
- Yakov Ostrovsky - Nuclear Reactor Laboratory
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