BCR 2.0
Surface Antigen-Sensitive System (SASS)
Tuesday's To Dos
- Analyze sequencing data
- Midiprep, digest, gel
- A-12T12
- Proteinase K kill, transform
- Syk-15-tTEVp pENTR with TRE
- Pick colonies
- TRE:S-3-tT
- TRE:S-6-tT
- TRE:S-9-tT
- TRE:S-12-tT
Monday's To Dos
- Miniprep, digest, gel, sequence:
- hEF1a:CD79B-pTET:mRFP-G4
- A-15T9
- A-9T15
- A-3T15
- T:S-12-tT both cultures look red
- T:S-3-tT one of the cultures looks okay (not red)
- Innoculate midi
- A-12T12
- LR
- Syk-15-tTEVp pENTR with TRE
- Redigest midis, gel
- A-3T3 midi
- A-12T9 midi
- Re-transform (double-check this before re-transforming all of them)
- TRE:S-3-tT
- TRE:S-6-tT
- TRE:S-9-tT
- TRE:S-12-tT
Friday's To Dos
- Minipreps
- Midi A-12T9
- Digest/gel:
- hEF1a:Gal4 + undigested control
- HyHel10
- CD79A-3T3-G4
- Minis
- Midi
- Split cells
- Sequence constructs w/ correct gels
- Analyze sequencing
- Innoculate midis for constructs w/ correct sequencing
- Pick colonies from replated GG transformations
Thursday's To Dos
- Transform golden gates
- Minipreps - linkers
- Midipreps - ggdonr and a-3t3
- Digest/gel
- Inoculate midiprep of hEF1a:CD79A-12T9-G4
- Pick colonies
- Transformed golden gates
- hEF1a:CD79B-RFP-G4
- pENTR HyHEL-10 light
- pENTR Syk-15-tTEV
- Syk linkers (3, 6, 9, 12)
- hEF1a:CD79A-12T12-G4
- hEF1a:CD79A-9T15-G4
- Transformed golden gates
Split cells
Wednesday's to Dos
- Redigest basically everything from yesterday and gel
- Pick colonies
- TRE:Syk-15-tTEV
- hEF1a:CD79B-RFP-G4
- pENTR VRC01 heavy
- pENTR VRC01 light
- pENTR HyHEL-10 heavy
- pENTR HyHEL-10 light
- Fix - see here for ideas
- TRE:Syk-15-tTEV
- hEF1a:CD79B-RFP-G4
- Syk linkers
- Miniprep andn digest
- CD79A-3T15
- CD79A-12T9
- CD79A-15T9
- Inoculate midipreps if the sequencing comes back good
- Regolden gate things - extra ligation for BsaI golden gate
Sequencing account information:
^^^Email: bcrpeeps@mit.edu
^^^Pass: grapefruit
Non-Lab To Do's
- Cytometry time
- Order Cumate
- Chicken lysozyme, gp120
- Antibodies for antigen binding detection
Waiting on primers to do list:
Higher Level To Do's:
- Decide on other antigen-variable regions we want to test
- Is gantenerumab proprietary and can we actually publish with it?
- SYK-15tTEVP golden gate when we figure out what's wrong with the AarI
- 3T3 MIDI