Today's To Do's:
- pour kan x-gal plates
- transform pENTR LacI and pENTR pLac
- pick hEF1a:LacI, TRE:mKate, pLac:mKate
- miniprep hEF1a:LacI, TRE:mKate, pLac:mKate, digest verify
Genious To Do List:
SDM primers
- TRE:gal4vp16 sequencing primers
- TRE:Syk-mRFP-(t)TEVp sequening primers
^^^Pass: grapefruit
Higher Level To Do's:
- Decide on other antigen-variable regions we want to test
- Other experimental planning (on experimental page)
- Parts list (excel sheet detailing specs/locations of parts)
- How do we do site directed mutagenesis?
- Literature research:
- kozak sequences for heavy and light chains and CD79s
- truncated TEVp
- other antigens to detect using BCR (we were thinking of small molecule detection)
- inducible promoters (we were considering LacI - an inducible repressor - but we want to look into other options first)
- Cloning planning
- hEF1a:Syk-pTet:mRFP-TEVp
- variable region