- Updates from Brian
- The C. hutchinsonii have arrived!
- Figured out a way to measure FAEE - High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) or Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatography (RPLC)
- How HPLC/RPLC works - small volumes (~100 uL), high pressures; column binds everything but with different affinities
- use a pump to create a gradient with 2 different solvents (i.e. water and acetonitrile) to separate by polarity
- Get a set of peaks (vs times), each of which corresponds to a species
- Must first take a pure sample of the species of interest to find out where the peak occurs
- Got a machine for free from a pharma company that we can use
- Last Thursday, Brian tried recreating the modification of C. hutch in geneious, but he couldn't
- before, people didn't know the full sequences of the parts that they were working with
- the paper on C. hutch was like this - they didn't know the exact sequences
- Now, we must rebuild the
- Today - come up with a list of things to do before June 8th:
- Team 1 - Grow C. hutch
- knowledge base: how-to's for
- liquid + solid cultures
- transformation protocols
- select
- measure growth (Colony Forming Unit (CFU) plates, OD, coulter counter, cytometry)
- measure rates of cellulose degradation, rates of byproducts (small organic acids, pentoses/hexoses) production
- identify which byproducts affect growth and how
- Team 2 - Modify C. hutch
- Build shuttle vector
- plasmids require ori, promoter, genes, restriction sites, selection marker genes
- a shuttle vector has everything it need to replicate both in E. coli and C. hutch (need C. hutch promoter, C. hutch ori, C. hutch
- Come up with a map, build a cloning strategy to get there based on the paper
- Design, order DNA, and start building (should get done a week before June 8th since the order takes about a week)
- Team 3 - modify E. Coli
- cloning workflow
- Circuit design
- Modeling (metabolic models, ODEs of growth rates, etc.)
- Sequences to put in E. Coli
- LuxR, communication
- FAEE pathway + sequences (which ones)
- Measuring FAEEs - concrete plan
- The peaks from the chromatography method may not be distinguishable
- extract from cells?
- assay development
- Measure byproducts that may affect growth
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