Using Peru as a Case Study for the examination of the effectiveness or lack thereof of marine reserves
I started at This is the webpage for INRENA, translated to the National Institute for Natural Resources a.k.a. the Peruvian Version of the EPA.
(By the way, my uncle is head of this department, so if you have any consultations just e-mail him at
Under the protected areas tab, there was a link to a main webpage which dealt with marine reserves:
There I found a list of marine protected areas. Among others,
1. National Reserve of Paracas
2. National Reserve of Lake Titicaca
National Reserve of Paracas: Founded in 1975
Useful website for general information on Peru's fisheries:
Peru produces about 10% of the world's fish, because of the currents in the South Pacific that push the fish into shallow waters.
Questions I'd like answered:
What is the status of fisheries in the nation? I don't seem to find much information on this, so I'll have to dig deeper into this.
What is the connection between the fishing industry and the marine reserves?
Are the marine reserves effective in creating a sustainable fish population?
I'm still finding articles and the like on the issue, so I'll keep you guys posted.