Test Machine Description (some sort of name like "Bob's G5"): Jon's MBP
Processor: 2.0 GHz Intel Core Duo
Hard Disk Size: with GB available
Encryption Technique: FileVault
- if other:
- Version (if applicable):
Operating System with version: 10.4.7
How long did it take to configure initially? 5 in minutes
How long did the actual encryption take? 120 in minutes
How large is your Home Dir (FileVault) or Folder (EFS)? in GB
How easy was the initial setup? (1 being trivial, 5 being very hard) 2
Did you set a key/password recovery method? Yes
- which one: Master Password
Does the machine have a password to wake from sleep or screen saver? Yes
Did you run a backup before enabling encryption? Yes
- what type of backup do you use: SuperDupr to external hard disk
Other comments about the setup:
The setup was straight forward, though the 2 hour encryption time, followed by additonal time spent deleteing the old Home Directory was a bit unexpected.
During the encryption, the system was entirely unusable. During the deletion of the old home dir, there was at least an option to cancel, but I waited impatiently for it to finish.