Long Term Goals
miRNA Profile
- Read literature
- Choose profile
Building the Cell Detector Circuit
- Build mathematical model
- Make test bed
- Controlled miRNA expression
- Constructed miRNA sensors
Mini experiments
- Single miRNA detector circuit
Alzheimer's Model
- Agree on a team wide, full Alzheimer's model
Today's Agenda
How To Please Ron/Brain
- Keep updating the parts tree (include experiments)
miRNA Sensors (Theory)
- Troubleshoot
- What's the deal with the GAL4VP16?!
miRNA Sensors (Lab Work)
- Pick colonies
- pEXPR: MAV1212-TRE-L7ae (mini)
- MAV1212-hEF1a-GAL4VP16 (midi)
- MAV1212-TRE-GAL4VP16 (midi)
- Proteinase K
- MAV1212-hEF1a-TAL21
- MAV1212-hEF1a-TAL14
- Transform
- MAV1212-hEF1a-TAL21 (LR)
- MAV1212-hEF1a-TAL14 (LR)
- Plasmids from BCR group
- Plasmids from protein receptor group
- Plasmids from Brian
- Miniprep
- All the sensors (round 2)
- Send for sequencing
- All the sensors (round 2)
- Analyze sequencing results
- All the sensors (round 1)
- Transfect
- L7ae Experiment (Take 3)
- Seed
- TAL14 Experiment (Take 1)
- Re-anneal
- miR-144-181c double input target site
- Golden Gate
- Low Sensor miR-144-181c
- Inoculate midi cultures
- Each of the single input sensors
All of the single input sensors were verified!
1st full day with no hiccups?
Gave constructs and plasmids maps (Kturns, L7ae, and MAV RFP) to Jeremy