Cell Lysis
- Aspirate media.
- Add 500 uL of cold PBS to each well.
- Aspirate.
- Add 200 uL of trypsin.
- Incubate for 90 seconds.
- Neutralize with 800 uL of cold complete media.
- Pipette up and down to disperse clumps.
- Transfer contents of each well to 2 mL labelled eppendorf tubes.
- Centrifuge/aspirate. How long? How fast?
- Add lysis buffer. How much?
- Incubate at 4C for 30 minutes with constant agitation.
- Centrifuge at 12000 rpm for 20 minutes. Long/fast?
- Remove tubes; place on ice.
- Transfer supernatant to a new tube (on ice). *At this point you can centrifuge to concentrate if necessary. - protocol?
Bradford Assay (to check protein concentration)
- Fill this in!