Note: Number the wells and the corresponding tubes ( the FACS machine deals with numbered samples better). Record the contents of the wells to which the numbers correspond
- Aspirate off media.
- Rinse wells with 500uL of PBS/versene. Aspirate.
- Add 200uL of trypsin/EDTA to each well. Incubate at room temperature for 90 seconds, then neutralize with 800uL of warm complete media.
- Triturate (pipette up and down) to disperse clumps.
- Pipette cell suspension into eppendorf tubes
- Centrifuge for five minutes
- Count the cells from 2-3 tubes, using the hemacytometer (typically 2x10^6 per mL). Add PBS to dilute the cells to 1x10^6 per mL (typically, an additional 1mL is required).
- Run FACS.