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Omnibus Preparation
includes the following steps:

  1. If the full proposal submission deadline has passed and PIs need to make adjustments to their full proposals as directed by Admins, the associated call(s) may be toggled for Final Revision Phase.
  2. Proposals to be funded are prepared for the Omnibus.
  3. Omnibus sections are generated using eSeaGrant reports.

Final Revision Phase

To allow PIs to make adjustments to their full proposals via the Control Panel AFTER the full proposal deadline has passed, set Final Revision Phase for the associated call(s) to 'active'. When this phase is complete, return this setting to 'inactive'.

Preparing Proposals for Omnibus

Only Full Proposals may be toggled for inclusion in the Omnibus, but included full proposals may be drawn from any call.

For each Full Proposal that is to be included in the Omnibus, you must (via Full Proposals FMP layout):

  1. Toggle “Include in Omnibus” to 'Yes'
  2. Assign its order within the Omnibus ('Omnibus Index').
  3. (90-2 tab) Assign values for:
    • Project Code and Project Integer
    • Project Status 
    • Grant Number (90-2 grant number assignment automatically updates a proposal's 90-4 grant numbers for the current omnibus cycle),
    • Revision Date (if applicable) 
    • Primary and Secondary Focus Areas
  1. (Budgets tab) Generate coverpages for sub-award 90-4s. [ see Budget Worksheets and 90-4s ] Sub-award coverpages need to be re-generated if you change values in the sub-award they correspond to.
  2. Make sure the current FY is correctly set in the system. Refer to layout 'RFP FMP Configuration Variables', and the field 'current_FY_global';  it should be set to the current year.

Omnibus Generation

eSeaGrant may be used to generate the following omnibus sections:

  1. Project Narrative PDF
  2. Budget Narrative PDF
  3. 90-2 Bulk Upload Template

    *eSeaGrant provides for and requests proposal-specific Data Management Plans, so inclusion of an overall program DMP is optional

For each proposal to be included in the omnibus, click the Full Proposals > 90-2 → "All parts for this proposal" button to export a folder containing all of the proposal's documents and forms.

For each narrative,

  1. Compile all parts for a narrative into a single PDF. It's recommended that you reduce the size of PDFs generated by Filemaker Pro using a third-party program, such as PDF Shrink (
  2. Delete blank pages
  3. Number pages
  4. Update Table of Contents

Project Narrative PDF

  1. Table of Contents - use 'TOC - Budget Summaries' FMP report
  2. For each proposal, compile the following parts from the exported proposal folders:
    • 90-2
    • project description
    • references and citations
    • CVs

Budget Narrative PDF

  1. Table of Contents - use 'TOC - Budget Summaries' FMP report
  2. For each proposal, compile the following parts from the exported proposal folders:
    • Overall 90-4 Sub-Award Coverpage (if applicable)
    • Overall 90-4
    • FY 90-4 Subaward Coverpages (if applicable)
    • FY 90-4s

90-2 Bulk Upload Template

The "90-2 Bulk Upload Template" requirement is satisfied via Excel spreadsheets generated from two FMP layouts, "Proposal Bulk Export (Excel) - 90-2s" and "Proposal Bulk Export (Excel) - budgets", both of which are located in the 'FMP Administration' section of the main RFP FMP layout drop-down. Log-in to the Filemaker Pro interfaces as Super-Admin to access these layouts.

*Since eSeaGrant generates an approved equivalent to the 90-2 Bulk Upload Template provided by NSGO, programs using eSeaGrant to compile their omnibus are NOT required to manually complete the 90-2 Bulk Upload Template.

By default, the set of proposals included in both of these layouts is managed via the 'Include in Omnibus?' toggle for each full proposal. Most of the fields in these two layouts are read-only, since they reflect data elsewhere in the system. You must verify accuracy and completeness of each layout prior to exporting them to Excel spreadsheets.

Investigator affiliations

If all of the preceding steps have been fully completed, however, the only task remaining to ensure a complete spreadsheet export is to check investigator affiliations in the FMP layout "Proposal Bulk Export (Excel) - 90-2s", as follows:

If an investigator's affiliation...

a) is not in the maintained Institutions list (i.e. the PI typed it into the field "enter unlisted affiliation here" when adding the investigator to their proposal),


b) is in the list but the investigators affiliation code isn't set in the 90-2 Proposal Bulk Export layout,

…then the corresponding affiliation box in the 90-2 Proposal Bulk Export layout will display 'not set or included in list' in red. A write-in institution should be added to the maintained Institutions list, toggled for display in web form drop-down lists (if desired), and the corresponding NSGO Partner ID (if available) should be retrieved from the NSGO Partners list ( download: Partner IDs and Names.xlsx). The new institution's type and scale should also be set, regardless of whether an NSGO Partner ID is available. If this institution is not included in the NSGO Partners list, then the NSGO Partners ID field in the Institutions list should be left blank until that institution is included in the NSGP Partners list. once the new institution is added to the Institutions list, return to the 90-2 Proposal Bulk Export layout and select it for the investigator. This sets the investigator’s affiliation code.

When investigator affiliations have been addressed, click the 'Export' button at top right of both Proposal Bulk Export layouts to generate spreadsheets.

Using spreadsheet exports to fulfill 90-2 Bulk-Upload Template requirement

NOTE: The 90-2 Bulk Upload Template was changed after the most recent eSeaGrant versioning, and the following columns need to be deleted from your exported spreadsheets...

  • 90-2 spreadsheet: blank_1, blank_2, blank_4, blank_5, blank_6, blank_7, blank_8, blank_9, exp_date
  • budget spreadsheet: blank_1, blank_2, blank_3 

The "90-2 Bulk Upload Template" requirement is fulfilled when the contents of these two spreadsheets are copied and pasted into the 90-2 Bulk Upload template, as follows:

[ download: 90-2 Bulk Upload Template (mod4.8) ]

To put your eSeagrant-generated data into the 90-2 template, you need only copy it to the appropriate tab in the template. The 90-2 project data goes into the "ProjDataInput" tab, and the yearly budget data goes into the "FundDataInput" tab.

You can check to see if the formatting worked by going to the "CHECK DATA FIT" tab on the template, to see if the data you entered is showing up in the fields where you expect it.

After you have successfully copied your data into the two data input tabs, the entire rest of the template (the Table of Contents, and all of the 90-2s) will pre-fill with your data. From this point you can manually edit the data, add more information or more projects as you need to, until you are satisfied with all of your information. There are buttons to print out the Table of Contents and the 90-2s, to clear, copy, or paste data, and to reset the data to just the eSeagrant pre-fill data if you are unhappy with your manual edits.

If you use a Mac for this work, you will need Excel 2011 for Mac--earlier versions won't work. Any recent version of Excel for PC seems to work.

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