Cumulative 90-4
This is a cumulative 90-4 for all proposals in the 'Omnibus' Proposal Set, including all 90-4s whose funding year is greater than the current funding year set in the system, but excluding 90-4s set to be excluded via the 'Exclude in Summary Calculations' toggle for each budget record.
Budgets, by FY
Creates a list of funding per FY and per proposal, with FY totals, ordered by FY and proposal project number - [ see Omnibus Preparation ].
Omnibus Table of Contents
Creates a list of funding per proposal and per FY, with proposal totals, ordered by proposal omnibus index - [ see Omnibus Preparation ] and FY.
90-4s + Budget Justification
Exports all 90-4s (incl. sub-award coverpages) and justification as PDFs to a new folder on the user's desktop.
90-4s + Budget Justification + CP Support
Exports all 90-4s (incl. sub-award cover pages), justification, and current and pending support as PDFs to a new folder on the user's desktop.
Overall 90-4 for FY
Creates a cumulative 90-4 for a chosen funding year, excluding 90-4s set to be excluded via the 'Exclude in Summary Calculations' toggle for each budget record.
Reports that are not FY-specific are otherwise programmed to always reflect the current Omnibus cycle, as set in the current_FY_global system variable [ see FMP Interface Configuration - RFP ]
per call :
Pre-proposal reviews, by proposal
Pre-proposal reviews, by reviewer
Peer reviews, by proposal (blinded or unblinded)
Peer reviews, by reviewer
Rebuttal supporting documents - exports all rebuttal supporting documents for the chosen call to a new folder on the user's desktop.
Panel reviews, by proposal
Panel reviews, by reviewer