(extension of an issue discussed at ISTAB)
The spaces are under-publicized. People don't know that they're available or what they can be used for.
Solution: Publicize on door to W20-575, as well as signs within cluster directing people to back room. Put signs on the door explaining policies and documenting procedures.
We frequently find monitors and peripherals disconnected so students can use their laptops in the cluster. The reading room is often full.
Solution: Move Windows machines into main cluster (which is under-utilized anyway), and make one row of back room "laptop stations", with KB, mouse, monitor, power, and network. Advertise this.
Ensure network connectivity works and publicize instructions. Investigate upgrade to CopyCam Pro (USB sticks).
New set of whiteboard markers.
Ensure there are instructions to use and ensure it works. Consider an Extron box to connect -122 and -123 to the flat panel, optionally.
Replace plug - facilities?