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11 am:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- Resource Models: How can CSS use this information? Desired Outcome: Agreement on a draft plan on how best to use the information collected in the Team Resource Models. Answer the questions: What are the benefits of collecting this data (to CSS/IS&T/MIT)? How can the data help CSS teams, help each other? How is this data going to be used? How often should we be updating the Resource Models?
Kate led a discussion on how RMs were ever used and is there a way to use them better within CSS?
a.) capturing staff time on specific named work (like projects) that want to be totalled up to see how much the total contribution of everyone amounts to. Drives a financial view of any particular effort. "Costing a line of business" in Anne's parlance.
b.) individual managers are interested in knowing how their staff is deployed, to (within the team's management) understand if they're deployed right.
c.) analyzing revenue models to drive billing for the time spent. DITR and DCAD use it this way.
The RMs are useful bases to answer the management questions that come along about "how much of FTE is going to something". When asked an ad-hoc question, the data to draw on is already there.
It's just a good management practice.
Time reporting certainly makes the tabulation possible of what they are doing, versus what they're being told to do. The lack of a consistent effort in this area undermines the usefulness or constitency of the data.
Have a list of questions like what do we want to know, and then generate the data accordingly.
A Wilson question may be very different than a Terry Stone sort of question.
Anne remarked that the current focus seems to be how much time and mondey is being invested per product or service.
Another use of the model is to know whether certain resources are or aren't available for borrowing. Nowadays a manager needing someone goes and asks. This was the original reason for the previous resource model; to accomodate questions from SAIS and ISDA about CSS resource availability.
The challenge lies in answering multiple questions (time, product line, etc.) at the same time, all the time. It seems to Jon like a lot of investment for not so much return. Everyone would benefit from being asked things earlier, instead of requiring night-before fire-drills.
One useful question likely to reappear is "if we cancel this project, what resources will it free up?"
Tim reinforced the point of "What are the questions that the data needs to answer?"
Mark mentioned these issues:
a.) you have to capture time;
b.) you have to have people willing to be honest with you;
c.) each reporter needs their own work labels for work that 's unique, and shared labels for work that is the same.
To be successful, the group of us needs to commit to collecting time, and all the other stuff that ought to be known.
Barb's summation:
- as good as it gets for the moment is for each manager to have their own model that they commit to maintaining
- but it seems early to share because it wouldn't make sense to another view;
Kate's response, maybe it would be valuable to understand the list of categories per team against which %s are allocated.
Agreement around the room to send me the list of their task names, to be aggregated into a single list, with breakdowns by team retained, to be posted on the wiki for all to see and learn from.
- Quick overview of RT Enhancement project underway. Pat Sheppard, Oliver and Steve Turner have been in conversation with Best Practical on steps to both get us up to a more current version of RT and carry out some much needed performance enhancements. I've asked Oliver to give us all a quick overview of this project and where it stands. (goguen - left over from last week)
Oliver recapped the current issues:
a.) RT has been degrading in performance over the last few months, a lot over the last few weeks. Varies with load, including spamming to en email list generates tickets.
b.) there are few developer resources available to do performance tuning, etc.
c.) NIST is stretched thin when taking on services like RT, including the web server, DBA work, etc. Mark did some heroic work Monday night to keep things running better. Relying on Mark's heroism is not a sustainable state.
d.) wilson is pushing to have Best Practical do most of the tuning and enhancement work on RT, under Pat Sheppard's spearheading. The current plan is to have BP assess the running system and make recommendations, which would be run past NIST before application.
e.) Oliver does not believe that we can get along with just BP and Mark running RT. But no one else in the organization wants to step up as yet.
f.) there is also no one left on tooltime-team. Steve and Oliver have been doing it ad-hoc so far. Maybe there should be a training class or better documentation of queue menagement.
g.) BP will be absorbing MIT customizations into the core as part of this operation.
Rob remarked that Helen Rose is interested in an RT-Partners group. Oliver remembered rt-users.
h.) there is no data archiving policy for what to do with the data in RT. The RT server will fill up with, say, deleted tickets unless we set some practice for actually getting rid of them. There is a piece of software called the RT Shredder that can deal with this complicated issue of interconnected data elements. (Users, groups, attachments...). Sadly, RT Shredder is a few revisions behind the current RT version and is risky to start using, let alone we don't have a copy of the working system to test on, etc.
The thought is to make the warehouse feed turn into an archive of the ticket metadata over time (as it is now a snapshot of the current RT database, refreshed daily.) Steve is working on this with the warehouse team now. If you delete a ticket from the server it will diseappear from the warehouse.
- Thoughts on priority projects (goguen - in prep for VP staff meeting on Thursday)
Not enough time for this agenda item.
- Anne round-table: SAP update reminder functionality is being used to prompt managers each month to check SAP for errors in epsnding or whatever and let Quentin know.
- Jon round-table: TSM Energy tool got the attention of Terry Stone in the ideabank, and so it's much hotter now than it was two weeks ago; Theresa has offered up resources to take care of it. More to come...
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- CSS All Hands agenda for May (XX minutes, ??)
- LSU service defs (10 minutes, othomas)
- FY11 Managers Retreat
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- quarterly reports due
- PA Calibration
- operational reviews
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- Poss. CSAIL research engagement on auto help (othomas, 15m)
- Doings in the PCI support space (tjm, 5m)
- Avoid recap of 4/26 (othomas, 45m - 5m)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- operational review - any questions or concerns?
Outages: Chris (vacation), Barbara (15 day DL )
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- CSS billing updates (Rob Smyser) 20 minutes
- Office 2010 release effort - Pat
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- W7 image on new Dells (targeting July) - Chris
- DCAD Planned presentations at ITPartners June 3rd: (Using Social Media for Communication - Robyn Fizz is main presenter - Dave will also be presenting; Search Engine Optimization - Lisa, Dave; How to Manage an Effective Technology Project - Myra Hope; Considerations when Choosing a CMS - Lisa, Dave, Rebecca, Yang; FileMaker Server and New FM Features - Cecilia Marra, Stu Dietz) - guess who
- e-Learning Authoring Project Kickoff
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- CSS All Hands 6/17/10 - should we start planning?
- staff accomplishments for IS&T All Hands
Outages: Pat at fellowship all day - graduation tonight!!!
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- Outlook 2010 - resources and time line Outlook 2010 Release Decision
- New Billing Processes for CSS - update? share what we know? (5-10 minutes)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- CSS Leaders 6/4/10 - does this interfere with Commencement plans?
- XDPP updates in Daptiv by Thursday 5/20/10 Portfolio 5172010.pdf XDPP Summary 5172010.pdf
- Cisco conference unit coming to E19
- DS SLA updates
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- IS&T Software Portfolio presentation (Paul Heffernan) 15min
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- PM Support Group (Pat)
- All Hands 6/17 (Pat)
- project reviews coming up in July - need to get any new work in Daptiv asap
Outages: Chris Gresham and pat Shepard OOF 5/28
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- Pat at Sloan Executive Education class all next week (Endicott House)
- project reviews scheduled 7/1/10
- awaiting project list
- need to get new work into Daptiv asap (not sure we have any except possibly AUX Authoring Tool)
- update current work
- Updated CertAid tool - now handles certificates creation!
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- project reviews to be rescheduled
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
- awaiting the first agenda item
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- Q4 reporting and Report to the President
- project reviews 7/9/10
11:30am11 am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)