This page allows CSS Managers and others to insert proposed agenda items directly into the work agenda of a specific CSS Managers' or other meeting. Scroll down the page to see meeting dates in the future. Use a simple bulleted list of what the topic is and who has proposed it.
Archive of past meetings. |
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- CSS All Hands agenda for May (XX minutes, ??)
- LSU service defs (10 minutes, othomas)
- FY11 Managers Retreat
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- quarterly reports due
- PA Calibration
- operational reviews
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- Poss. CSAIL research engagement on auto help (othomas, 15m)
- Doings in the PCI support space (tjm, 5m)
- Avoid recap of 4/26 (othomas, 45m - 5m)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- operational review - any questions or concerns?
Outages: Chris (vacation), Barbara (15 day DL )
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- CSS billing updates (Rob Smyser) 20 minutes
- Office 2010 release effort - Pat
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- W7 image on new Dells (targeting July) - Chris
- DCAD Planned presentations at ITPartners June 3rd: (Using Social Media for Communication - Robyn Fizz is main presenter - Dave will also be presenting; Search Engine Optimization - Lisa, Dave; How to Manage an Effective Technology Project - Myra Hope; Considerations when Choosing a CMS - Lisa, Dave, Rebecca, Yang; FileMaker Server and New FM Features - Cecilia Marra, Stu Dietz) - guess who
- e-Learning Authoring Project Kickoff
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- CSS All Hands 6/17/10 - should we start planning?
- staff accomplishments for IS&T All Hands
Outages: Pat at fellowship all day - graduation tonight!!!
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
- IS&T Software Portfolio presentation (Paul Heffernan) 15min
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- PM Support Group (Pat)
- All Hands 6/17 (Pat)
- project reviews coming up in July - need to get any new work in Daptiv asap
Outages: Chris Gresham and pat Shepard OOF 5/28
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- Pat at Sloan Executive Education class all next week (Endicott House)
- project reviews scheduled 7/1/10
- awaiting project list
- need to get new work into Daptiv asap (not sure we have any except possibly AUX Authoring Tool)
- update current work
- Updated CertAid tool - now handles certificates creation!
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- project reviews to be rescheduled
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)
- Q4 reporting and Report to the President
- project reviews 7/9/10
11:30am, N42-286, CSS Managers
Main Topics (phrase and amount of time needed)
Roundtable & Short Topics (phrase -- assumed 1-2 minutes each)