Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 4.0


(Round 2): You used to be a vegetarian, so you previously deleted steak and hamburgers from your suggestion pool. Add them back now.


In task 5, many users didn't understand the delete functionality and the fact that there was a list of deleted items. We reworded the task to make it clear that they had previously deleted these items, which improved the situation, but some still had problems in the second round of testing. This could be due to the fact that none of them had used Android devices, and thus were less familiar with the "Menu" hardware button.

Most users don't immediately understand the filtering functionality. Currently all of the types of activities start off selected, and the user can deselect the ones he or she is not interested in. In testing, most of the users tapped a category when they wanted to see activities from that category, and then reversed their selection once they saw the app respond. This may be due to the lack of visual fidelity of the model, since it was somewhat nonintuitive to identify which things were selected.

Once again on the topic of filtering, it took some users a couple of tasks before they realized the existence of the filters, and that they were press-able buttons. This once again may be due to low visual fidelity.

Some users were confused by the fact that in Model 1, we had both restaurants and types of food listed together. One user mentioned out loud that she couldn't tell if one listing was a restaurant name or a type of food. We changed this in prototype 2 so that only restaurants are shown, not types of food.

The delete/undelete functionality was confusing to users, especially in our first round of testing, and one user mentioned that they would never delete an item for fear they would be unable to recover it. We added an in-place undelete feature, so that any accidental deletions can be easily undone without changing to a different screen.

More about Android than our app - users who did not have Android phones had a very hard time discovering options that were in the menu activated by the hardware menu button. Android users (the target market for any Android app) had no trouble with it.

Most users (by a wide margin) preferred Model 2.

Updates to Prototype 


These pictures show the updated more info screens so that they show more descriptions on the first click.

Image Modified  Image Modified 

Image Modified  Image Modified  Image Modified

These pictures show the updated version 2 prototype. We did a similar scroll screen as the version 1 prototype since one of the complaints from the first round of users was that version 2 was too slow but we thought some of that feedback might be based on the fact that we had the clean and rewrite the transparency between every swipe. We also changed the "Find It" button to "More Info" and added the icon of walking feet, food, book, or movie.

Changes based on feedback

  • (done) add Added more information once the user has selected movies, books, etc, like reviews, description, author, director
  • Buttons (done) buttons are smaller and closer together so that more information can fit on screen
  • (done) removing Removed categories from the food listinglistings, now there are only restaurants so that the behavior is consistent
  • Changed (done) change some of the button labels, amazon to is now amazon instant for example
  • Task (done) task 5 rewritten, hopefully it’s clearer now
  • (done) cancel Cancel button causes a strikethrough and the red x changes to an undo arrow for three seconds before the option goes away. This makes it easier to undo deletes.
  • Added (done) added additional scroll screen for just movies and books (for task 4)