The Great Clock of Parliament (Big Ben) uses a pendulum to keep time. The website of Parliament reports that the pendulum rod has a mass of 107 kg and a length of 4.4 m, and the bob attached to the rod has a mass of 203 kg.
Deck of Cards
The [Great Clock of Parliament|] (Big Ben) uses a pendulum to keep time. The website of Parliament reports that the pendulum rod has a mass of 321 kg and a length of 4.48 m, and the bob attached to the rod has a mass of 203 kg.
h3. Part A
Assuming that the rod is thin and uniform and that the bob can be treated as a [point particle], what is the approximate period of Big Ben's pendulum?
h4. Solution
*System:* Rod and pendulum bob together as a single rigid body.
*Interactions:* Both components of the system are subject to [external influences|external force] from the earth ([gravity]). The rod is also subject to an [external influence|external force] from the axle of the pendulum. We will consider [torques|torque (one-dimensional)] about the axle of the pendulum. Because of this choice of axis, the [external force|external force] exerted by the axle on the pendulum will produce no [torque|torque (one-dimensional)], and so it is not relevant to the problem.
*Model:* [Single-Axis Rotation of a Rigid Body] and [Simple Harmonic Motion].
{color:red} *Diagrammatic Representation:* {color}
We begin with a [force diagram]:
{color:red} *Mathematical Representation* {color}
Looking at the [force diagram], we can see that the total [torque|torque (one-dimensional)] from [gravity] about the [axis of rotation] is given by:
Part A
Part A
Assuming that the rod is thin and uniform and that the bob can be treated as a point particle, what is the approximate period of Big Ben's pendulum?
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Rod and pendulum bob together as a single rigid body.
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Both components of the system are subject to external influences from the earth (). The rod is also subject to an external influence from the axle of the pendulum. We will consider torques about the axle of the pendulum. Because of this choice of axis, the external force exerted by the axle on the pendulum will produce no torque, and so it is not relevant to the problem.
The [moment of inertia] of the composite pendulum is the sum of the [moment of inertia] of the thin rod rotated about one end plus the [moment of inertia] of the bob treated as a point particle:
θ. To achieve the form required by the [Simple Harmonic Motion] model, we must make the standard [small angle approximation] which is generally applied to pendulums. In the [small angle approximation], the sine of θ is approximately equal to θ. Thus, we have:
{tip}The website of [Parliament|] claims that the "duration of pendulum beat" is 2 seconds. This seems to contradict our calculation. Can you explain the discrepancy? Check your explanation using the video at the top of this page.{tip}
h3. Part B
Fine adjustment of the pendulum is accomplished by adding old (pre-decimal) pennies to the pendulum. According to the website of [Parliament|], each 9.4 g penny used to adjust the clock is added to the pendulum in such a way that the clock mechanism speeds up enough to gain two fifths of one second in 24 hours of operation. How far from the axis of rotation must the penny be placed to have this effect?
h4. Solution
*System:* The rod and the pendulum bob plus one old English penny.
*Interactions:* As in Part A.
*Models:* As in Part A.
{color:red} *Diagrammatic Representation:* {color}
The penny can very reasonably be treated as a point mass.
{color:red} *Mathematical Representation:* {color}
The penny adjusts the net [torque|torque (one-dimensional)] on the pendulum
{latex}\begin{large}\[ \tau = -m_{\rm rod}g\frac{L}{2}\sin\theta - m_{\rm bob}gL\sin\theta - m_{\rm penny}gd\sin\theta \]\end{large}{latex}
and also the [moment of inertia] of the pendulum
{latex}\begin{large}\[ I_{\rm tot} = \frac{1}{3}m_{\rm rod}L^{2} + m_{\rm bob}L^{2} + m_{\rm penny}d^{2}\]\end{large}{latex}
Following the same procedures as in Part A, we can then arrive at a formula for the period of the adjusted pendulum:
{latex}\begin{large} \[ T = \frac{2\pi}{\omega} = 2\pi\sqrt{\left(\frac{\frac{1}{3}m_{\rm rod}+m_{\rm bob}+m_{\rm penny}\frac{d^{2}}{L^{2}}}{\frac{1}{2}m_{\rm rod}+m_{\rm bob}+m_{\rm penny}\frac{d}{L}}\right)\frac{L}{g}}\]\end{large}{latex}
We are hoping to solve this equation for _d_, which implies we need to know _T_, the adjusted period. Finding the absolute period is tricky, since we are given information about the _change_ in the period. We know that the pendulum's period is adjusted such that the pendulum ticks out an extra 2/5 of a second per day. We can use this information to estimate the new period. Suppose we assume that the pendulum's original period is exactly 4 seconds to simplify the calculations. The number of complete oscillations executed in one day is then:
{latex}\begin{large}\[\frac{\rm 24\:hours}{\rm 1\:day}\times\frac{\rm 3600\:seconds}{\rm 1\:hour}\times\frac{\rm 1\:oscillation}{\rm 4\:seconds} = {\rm 21600 oscillations/day}\]\end{large}{latex}
which means that the period of the pendulum is decreased by:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ \frac{\rm 2/5 second}{21600 oscillations} = 1.9\times10^{-5} s\]\end{large}{latex}
There are now two possible roads to the solution. The most obvious way is to find the new total period of the pendulum by subtracting this adjustment from 4 seconds and then input the period into the equation we found above. We can alternatively perform an approximation in the equation above that will allow us to directly use the _change_ in the period. We will use this latter method as a means of showcasing the utility of series expansions.
The formula given above for the adjusted period can be written:
latex}\begin{large} \[ T = 2\pi\left(\frac{1}{3}m_{\rm rod}+m_{\rm bob}+m_{\rm penny}\frac{d^{2}}{L^{2}}\right)^{1/2}\left(\frac{1}{2}m_{\rm rod}+m_{\rm bob}+m_{\rm penny}\frac{d}{L}\right)^{2}\frac{L}{g}}\]\end{large}{latex
The website of Parliament claims that the "duration of pendulum beat" is 2 seconds. This seems to contradict our calculation. Can you explain the discrepancy? Check your explanation using the video at the top of this page.
Fine adjustment of the pendulum is accomplished by adding old (pre-decimal) pennies to the pendulum. According to the website of Parliament, each 9.4 g penny used to adjust the clock is added to the pendulum in such a way that the clock mechanism speeds up enough to gain two fifths of one second in 24 hours of operation. The placement of the coins on the pendulum can be estimated using BBC video available at Use the model of Part A plus the estimated location of the penny to predict the effect of the penny and compare to the reported effect.