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{td:align=center|bgcolor=#F2F2F2}*[Model Hierarchy]*
{pagetree:root=Model Hierarchy|reverse=true}
h2. Description and Assumptions
{excerpt}This model applies to a single [point particle] moving in a circle with constant speed.{excerpt}
h2. Problem Cues
Usually uniform circular motion will be explicitly specified if you are to assume it. (Be especially careful of vertical circles, which are generally *nonuniform* circular motion because of the effects of gravity. Unless you are specifically told the speed is constant in a vertical loop, you should not assume it to be.) You can also use this model to describe the acceleration in _instantaneously_ uniform circular motion, which is motion along a curved path with the tangential acceleration instantaneously equal to zero. This will usually apply, for example, when a particle is at the top or the bottom of a vertical loop, when gravity is not changing the _speed_ of the particle.
|| Page Contents ||
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h2. Prerequisite Knowledge
h4. Prior Models
* [1-D Motion (Constant Velocity)]
* [1-D Motion (Constant Acceleration)]
h4. Vocabulary and Procedures
* [tangential acceleration]
* [centripetal acceleration]
* [angular frequency]
h2. System
h4. Constituents
A single [point particle|point particle].
h4. State Variables
Time (_t_), position (_x_) and velocity (_v_).
h2. Interactions
h4. Relevant Types
The system must be subject to a net force that is directed _radially inward_ to the center of the circular path, with no tangential component.
h4. Interaction Variables
Centripetal acceleration (_a_~c~).
h2. Model
h4. Relevant Definitions
h5. Amplitude of motion:
{latex}\begin{large}\[ A = \sqrt{x_{i}^{2} + \left(\frac{v_{i}}{\omega}\right)^{2}}\]\end{large}{latex}
h5. Phase: