h5. Learning Objectives
Students will be assumed to understand this model who can:
* Describe the difference between [distance] and [displacement].
* Define average [velocity] and average [speed].
* Describe the features of a [motion diagram] that exhibits motion with constant [velocity].
* Relate [displacement], time and [velocity].
* Find [velocity] from the slope of a [position versus time graph].
* Describe the properties of the [position versus time graph] given the [velocity] and the initial [position] for a trip made at constant [velocity].
* Mathematically determine when two objects moving with constant [velocity] will meet by constructing and solving a system of equations.
* Graphically determine when two objects moving with constant [velocity] will meet.
h4. S.I.M. Structure of the Model
h5. Compatible Systems
A single [point particle|point particle] (or a system treated as a point particle with position specified by the center of mass).
h5. Relevant Interactions
In order for the velocity to be constant, the system must be subject to no _net_ force.
h4. Law of Change
h5. Mathematical Representation
{latex}\begin{large}\[x(t) = x_{i} + v (t - t_{i})\]\end{large}{latex}
h5. Diagrammatic Representations
* [motion diagram]
* [position versus time graph]
* [velocity versus time graph]
|[!images^MathematicaPlayer.png!|^ConstVel.nbp]|[Click here|^ConstVel.nbp] for a _Mathematica Player_ application illustrating these representations.|
|[!images^download_now.gif!|http://www.wolfram.com/products/player/download.cgi]|[Click here|http://www.woldfram.com/products/player/download.cgi] to download the (free) _Mathematica Player_ from [Wolfram Research|http://www.wolfram.com]|
h4. Relevant Examples
h6. {toggle-cloak:id=one} Examples Involving Purely One-Dimensional Motion
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