h2. Description and Assumptions
If we ignore processes like heat transfer, radiative losses, etc., then we arrive at a model involving only [mechanical energy] which changes due to the application (or extraction) of just the [work|work] done by [non-conservative forces|non-conservative] The non-conservative forces can be external forces exerted on the system or internal forces resulting from the interactions between the elements inside the system.
h2. Problem Cues
The model is especially useful for systems where the non-conservative work is zero, in which case the [mechanical energy] of the system is constant. Since friction is a common source of non-conservative work, problems in which mechancial energy is conserved can often be recognized by explicit statements like "frictionless surface" "smooth track" or in situations where only gravity and/or springs ([conservative forces|conservative force] that can be represented by [potential energy]) are involved.
{td:align=center|bgcolor=#F2F2F2}*[Model Hierarchy]*
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|| Page Contents ||
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h2. Prerequisite Knowledge
h4. Prior Models
* [Point Particle Dynamics]
h4. Vocabulary
* [system]
* [force]
* [conservative force]
* [non-conservative]
* [kinetic energy]
* [rotational kinetic energy]
* [gravitational potential energy|gravity]
* [elastic potential energy|Hooke's Law]
* [mechanical energy]
h2. System
h4. Constituents
One or more [point particles|point particle] or [rigid bodies|rigid body], the (internal) interactions between them, whether conservative or not, and any fields applied externally such as a uniform gravitational field.
{note}The admission of fields avoids requiring the system to contain the source objects of the [conservative|conservative force] interactions that are represented by the fields. In the example of earth's gravity, this is justified because the earth will have no change of its kinetic energy (its infinite mass implies no change of velocity) or of its potential energy (all potential energy is attributed to objects in the system influenced by the fields).
h4. Variables and Parameters
Mass (_m{_}{~}j~) and possibly moment of inertia (_I{_}{~}j~) for each object plus linear (_v{_}{~}j~) and possibly rotational (ω{~}j~) speeds for each object, or alternatively, the kinetic energy (_K{_}{~}j~) may be specified directly.
If non-conservative forces are present, each object's vector position (_x{_}{~}j~) must be known *throughout* the time interval of interest (the path must be specified) unless the work done by each force is specified directly.
When a conservative interaction is present, some sort of specific position or separation is required for each object (height _h{_}{~}j~ for near-earth [gravity], separation _r{_}{~}jk~ for universal gravity, separation _x{_}{~}jk~ for an elastic interaction, etc.) unless the potential energy (_U{_}{~}jk~) is specified directly.
Alternately, in place of separate kinetic and potential energies, the mechanical energy of the system (_E_) can be specified directly.
h2. Interactions
h4. Relevant Types
All forces that do [non-conservative] [work] on the system must be considered, _including_ [internal forces|internal force] that perform such work. [Conservative forces|conservative force] that are present should have their interaction represented by the associated [potential energy] rather than by the [work].
{note}Occasionally it is easier to consider the work of conservative forces directly, omitting their potential energy.
h4. Interaction Variables
Relevant non-conservative forces (_F{_}{^}NC^{~}jk~) or the work done by the non-conservative forces (_W{_}{^}NC{^}{~}jk~).
h2. Model
h4. Relevant Definitions
In the following formulas, _N_ is the number of system constitutents and _N_~Fj~ is the number of non-conservative forces acting on the _j{_}th system constitutent.
{latex}\begin{large}\[ E = K_{\rm sys} + U_{\rm sys} \]
\[ K_{\rm sys} = \sum_{j=1}^{N}\left(\frac{1}{2}m_{j}(v_{j})^{_j(omega_j})^{2}\right)\]
\[ W^{NC}_{jk Column |
Work Latex |
\begin{large}\[W_{fi} = \int_{\rm path} \vec{F} |
| ^NC}_{jk}x}_{j} \]
\[ W^{NC}_{\rm netsumj=1}^{N} \sum_{k=1NFjW^NC}_{jk} F}(t) \cdot \vec{v}(t)\:dt\]\end{large} |
| {latex}
The system potential energy is the sum of all the potential energies produced by interactions between system constituents. Even when there are two system constituents involved (for example in a double star) each *interaction* produces only one potential energy.
h4. Law of Change
{large} $E Note |
The system potential energy is the sum of all the potential energies produced by interactions between system constituents. Even when there are two system constituents involved (for example in a double star) each interaction produces only one potential energy. |
S.I.M. Structure of the ModelCompatible SystemsOne or more point particles or rigid bodies, plus any conservative interactitons that can be accounted for as potential energies of the system. Info |
In mechanics, the only commonly encountered conservative interactions are gravity and springs. |
Relevant InteractionsAny external force that performs that perform work on the system must be considered, and also any internal non-conservative forces that perform work. Any internal conservative forces that are present should have their interaction represented by the associated potential energy rather than by the work. Law of ChangeMathematical Representation Section |
Column |
Latex |
\begin{large}\[ \frac{dE}{dt} = \sum \left(\vec{F}^{\rm ext} + \vec{F}^{\rm NC}\right)\cdot \vec{v} \]\end{large} |
Column |
Latex |
\begin{large}\[ E_{f} = E_{i} + \sum W^{ |
| NC\rm ext}_{fi} + \sum W^{\rm |
| net${latex}
h2. Diagrammatical Representations
* [Initial-state final-state diagram|initial-state Diagrammatic Representations |
| ]
* [ graph|energy bar graph].
h2. Relevant Examples
| !copyright and waiver^copyrightnotice.png! | RELATE wiki by David E. Pritchard is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/us/]. |
\\Relevant Examples Examples Involving Constant Mechanical Energy Cloak |
| 50falsetrueANDconstant_energy,example_problem | Examples Involving Non-Conservative Work Cloak |
| 50falsetrueANDnon-conservative_work,example_problem | Examples Involving Gravitational Potential Energy Cloak |
| 50falsetrueANDgravitational_potential_energy,example_problem | Examples Involving Elastic (Spring) Potential Energy Cloak |
| 50falsetrueANDelastic_potential_energy,example_problem | Examples Involving Rotational Kinetic Energy Cloak |
| 50falsetrueANDrotational_energy,example_problem | All Examples Using this Model Cloak |
| 50falsetrueANDconstant_energy,example_problem 50falsetrueANDnon-conservative_work,example_problem |