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Name | Location | Concentration | MAV1212-hEF1a-eBFP2 | TC Room | Midi prepped | pEXPR:hEF1a-L7ae | TC Room | Midi prepped | pEXPR: CAG-2xKturn-eGFP (wt) | TC Room | Midi prepped | pEXPR: CAG-exKturn-eGFP (mut) | TC Room | Midi prepped |
EXPERIMENTS - hEF1a eBFP2 & hEF1a 2x Kturn eYFP (positive control)
- Should be yellow and blue
- hEF1a eBFP2 & hEF1a 2x Kturn eYFP & hEF1a-L7ae (negative control)
- Should be blue (minimal yellow)
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Name | Location | Concentration | pEXPR: hEF1a-eBFP2 | TC Room | Midi prepped | pEXPR: hEF1a-Gal4VP16 | Our -20 | Verified, colony being picked for midi prep | pEXPR: hEF1a-TAL14 | Our -20 | Being midi prepped | pEXPR: TAL14-mKate | TC Room | Midi prepped |
- negative control (minimal yellow)
- hEF1a-eBFP2 & 5xUAS/4xTAL14bs-eYFP & hEF1a-Gal4VP16
- positive control (hopefully linear BFP/YFP)
- hEF1a-eBFP2 & 5xUAS/4xTAL14bs-eYFP& hEF1a-Gal4VP16 & hEF1a-TAL14
- Should be blue (minimal yellow)
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Gliffy Diagram |
name | Repressor co-transfection experimental designs |
Goal: Test the strength of different repressors
Name | On | Off | Inducible |
L7ae | - Gateway Hef1a-2x Kturn-eYFP with pENTR_L1_L7ae_L2
- Co transfect w/ constituative eBFP2
- Flow Cytometry and analysis
| - Just Hef1a-2x Kturn-eYFP
- Co transfect w/ constituative eBFP2
- Flow Cytometry and analysis
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TAL14 | - Gateway Hef1a-2x Kturn-eYFP with pENTR_L1_TAL14_L2
- Co transfect w/ constituative eBFP2
- Flow Cytometry and analysis
| - Just Hef1a-2x Kturn-eYFP
- Co transfect w/ constituative eBFP2
- Flow Cytometry and analysis
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2x-Kturn-eYFP from Nelson