Group Members
- Haitao Mao
- Victor J Wang
- Harrison Chen
- TA: ?Mason Tang
Problem Statement
User’s currently have to open multiple windows to play different card games. Users must learn multiple interfaces to play each game.
-simulate a deck of cards
-provide functionality to support as wide a range of card games as possible
-homogenous interface so that switching between different games is easy
-users will learn the generic interface instead of learning a specific interface for each card game.
-efficient performance of tasks found in common types of games
-users enforce the game rules themselves, no builtin restrictions
Currently, interfaces for card games generally only support playing one type of game. We want to create an interface that supports playing a generic card game by allowing users to manipulate the cards independently of the rules and restrictions of any particular type of game. Instead, the users enforce the rules amongst themselves. This will allow the interface to support a wide range of games, as well as the ability to easily switch between playing multiple types of games. We want to design the interface to emphasize the following:
- Interface elements are not tailored to any specific game, but kept as generic as possible. Most card games, including ones that we have not heard of before, should be playable with the interface.
- Interface has a consistent look and feel that is well suited to most types of card games.
- Tasks commonly found in card games should be efficient.
- The interface should be quickly learnable and highly intuitive.
- Switiching between different games should be doable in a few seconds.
GR1 - Task Analysis
GR2 - Designs
GR3 - Paper Prototyping
GR4 - Computer Prototyping
GR6 - User Testing