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GR4 - Computer Prototyping

jar file here:

instructions for opening metadeck:

  1. unzip downloaded .zip file
  2. right click on jar file
  3. select 'Open with Sun Java 6 Runtime'

what works:

  • single card selection
  • double click stack selection
  • single card move by dragging
  • stack move by dragging
  • right click menu
    • shuffle functionality 
    • take functionality
  • double click card in hand to play

what doesn't:

  • chat
  • multiple card selection within single stack
  • flip
  • multiple players
  • dealing to other players

Note: the cards in the opponent's hand should not be interactive.

  • No labels

1 Comment

    • Most usability issues were talked about during the meeting, let me know if you have other questions
    • Mostly, focus on improving affordances for mouse behavior (adding hover behavior to the cards) and increasing visibility of features