- download the group setup files from USERNAME@svn.mit.edu/zest/thalia/ime/Trunk/thalia-utils/scripts/setupgroups and setupgroups onto the alfresco server (isda-thalia6) and run the install.pl file. It will stop alfresco, copy all the configuration files and webscripts to its proper location and restart alfresco. After this is done, you should be able to go to type in http://servernameisda-thalia6.mit.edu:8080/alfresco/service/groups/test
and it should list all the groups in the test domain (it should be an empty list).
- To set up the automatic group syncronization with moira
- 1. the install. put pl script puts the synchronization script thaliasync.pl inside the group setup files (see step 1) somewhere in /home/thalia on the alfresco server and make it executablesets the permission to 744
- 2. install the perl log4perl module by doing:perl -MCPAN -e "install Log::Log4perl"
- 3. run the script once to make sure that it runs and check the log file /home/thaliasync.log
- 4. schedule it in the crontab
0 * * * * /home/thalia/scripts/thaliasync.pl
It will run every hour