- Specific cytokines that will help microglia go down the phagocytic pathway
- Cytokines are involved in many other processes - might not be realistic to target them for treatment
- Look into using using microglia as vector hosts for our treatment
Non-Experimental Goals
- Fundraising Alex L., James, Chrisian
- Finalize the fundraising book
- Start contacting people - talk to Nevin early next week
- Social Media Gary, Alexa
- Human practices Gary, Lyla, Christian, Kathryn, Raashed, Shinjini
- Meetings on Friday at 1pm
- Work on video
- Meet with doctor
- Contact student working under Ken Oye
- External/Internal wiki Kathryn, Erik, Lyla, Alexa
- Standardized templates for each page needed
- Parts list
- Look at past years wikis
- Meetings on Sunday at 6pm
- NEGEM and HS Group Alexa, Lyla
- Subgroup presentations needed in order to be compiled to an overall presentation SLIDES BY SUNDAY