Important DatesMid-February, 2010 - Filemaker exported and ingested into Archivist Toolkit - Carl to test in AT test environment
- Rob and Mikki to map fields from Filemaker to AT
- Archives to decide location in AT to import toJuly, 2010 - All items in Dome * testing from AT to Dome for Vail Collection to start mid-May
- All cataloging complete in AT by Mid-May
Undecided deadlines: website, flickr, etc.. for unveiling in 2011 Friday, February 13, 2009 - Filemaker Pro Database to be completed for metadata entry - Rob W.  Friday, February 20, 2009 - 20 images, 5 broadsides, and 10 clippings will be chosen and cataloged in the database - Nora M.
Vail Digital Objects for Testing, 3/3/09 : Images (15) | Broadsides (5) | Clippings (15) | VBI_000006_001 | VBI_000211_001 | VBI_000300_001 | VBI_000033_001 | VBI_000217_001 | VBI_000336_001 | VBI_000034_001 | VBI_000222_001 | VBI_000337_001 | VBI_000068_001 | VBI_000232_001 | VBI_000345_001 | VBI_000071_001 | VBI_000233_001 | VBI_000348_001-004 | VBI_000077_001 | | VBI_000361_001-002 | VBI_000078_001 | | VBI_000370_001-026 | VBI_000080_001 | | VBI_000390_001-003 | VBI_000081_001 | | VBI_000396_001-002 | VBI_000084_001 | | VBI_000402_001-003 | VBI_000086_001 | | VBI_000413_001-002 | VBI_000114_001 | | VBI_000418_001-002 | VBI_000121_001 | | VBI_000451_001-002 | VBI_000126_001 | | VBI_000480_001 | VBI_000144_001 | | VBI_000546_001 |
Friday, February 27, 2009 - The aforementioned 35 items will be uploaded into Flickr - Rob W. Thursday, March 5, 2009 - Web content and preferences to Beverly - Nora M.
Friday, March 6, 2009 - Content and Flickr link given to Nicole Hennig for website creation - Beverly T. - Beverly met with Nicole on March 5th, Nicole will show some test designs but will also wait for the Flickr sets. Prior to March 31, 2009 - Filemaker Pro Database will be published to web for viewing - Rob. W. Tuesday, March 31, 2009 - Tom Peterson (Donor) to visit, Project update/presentation to include the website and Filemaker database |