h4. Introduction to the Model
h5. Description and Assumptions
This model is applicable to a single [point particle] moving in one dimension either because it is physically constrained to move that way or because only one Cartesian component is considered. The [force], or component of force along this direction, must be constant in time. The [force] can be in the same direction of motion or in the opposite direction of motion. Equivalently, the model applies to objects moving in one-dimension which have a [position versus time graph] that is parabolic and a [velocity versus time graph] that is linear. It is a subclass of the [One-Dimensional Motion (General)|One-Dimensional Motion (General)] model defined by the constraint da/dt = 0 (i.e. a(t)=constant).
{info}Multi-dimensional motion can often be broken into components, as in the case of [projectile] motion. In this manner, the 1-D motion with constant acceleration [model] can be employed to describe the [system's|system] motion in _any_ situation where the [net force] on the [system] is constant, even if the motion is multi-dimensional. {info}
h5. Learning Objectives
Students will be assumed to understand this model who can:
* Explain the difference between how physicists use the term [acceleration] versus the everyday use of the terms "accelerate" and "decelerate".
* Describe the features of a [motion diagram] representing an object moving with constant [acceleration].
* Summarize the givens needed to solve a problem involving motion with constant [acceleration].
* Construct a consistent sign convention for the initial velocity, the final velocity and the acceleration in the case of objects that are speeding up or slowing down.
* Describe the features of a [position versus time graph] representing an object moving with constant [acceleration].
* Given a [position versus time graph], determine whether the object represented is speeding up or slowing down.
* Given a linear [velocity versus time graph], determine the corresponding [acceleration].
* State the equation that relates [position], initial [velocity], [acceleration] and time for motion with constant [acceleration].
* State the equation that relates [position], initial [velocity], final [velocity] and [acceleration] for motion with constant [acceleration].
* Solve a quadratic equation for time.
* Mathematically solve for the meeting time and location of two objects moving with constant [acceleration] by setting up and solving a system of equations.
* Graphically locate the meeting point of two objects moving with constant [acceleration].
* Describe the trajectory of a [projectile].
* Describe the acceleration of a [projectile] throughout its trajectory.
* State the conditions on the [velocity] and [acceleration] that describe the maximum height of a [projectile].
h4. S.I.M. Structure of the Model
h5. Compatible Systems
A single [point particle|point particle], or a [system] such as a single [rigid body] or a grouping of many bodies that is _treated_ as a [point particle] with [position] specified by the system's [center of mass].
h5. Relevant Interactions
Some constant net [external force] must be present to cause motion with a constant [acceleration].
h4. Laws of Change
h5. Mathematical Representations
This model has several mathematical realizations that involve different combinations of the variables for position, velocity, and acceleration.
{latex}\begin{large}\[v(t) =v_{i}+ a (t - t_{i})\]\end{large}{latex}\\
{latex}\begin{large}\[x(t) = x_{i}+\frac{1}{2}(v_{f}+v_{i})(t - t_{i})\]\end{large}{latex}\\
{latex}\begin{large}\[ x(t) = x_{i}+v_{i}(t-t_{i})+ \frac{1}{2}a(t-t_{i})^{2}\]\end{large}{latex}
{note}In the above expressions, t{~}i~ is the initial time, the time as which the position and velocity equal x{~}i~ and v{~}i~ respectively. Often t{~}i{~}is taken to equal 0, in which case these expressions simplify.{note}
{latex}\begin{large}\[v^{2}(x)= v_{i}^{2}+ 2 a (x - x_{i})\]\end{large}{latex}
{note}This is an important expression, because time is eliminated.{note}
h5. Diagrammatic Representations
* [motion diagram]
* [position versus time graph]
* [velocity versus time graph]
|[!images^MathematicaPlayer.png!|^ConstAccel.nbp]|[Click here|^ConstAccel.nbp] for a _Mathematica Player_ application illustrating these representations.|
|[!images^download_now.gif!|http://www.wolfram.com/products/player/download.cgi]|[Click here|http://www.woldfram.com/products/player/download.cgi] to download the (free) _Mathematica Player_ from [Wolfram Research|http://www.wolfram.com]|
h4. Relevant Examples
h6. {toggle-cloak:id=oned}Examples Involving Purely One-Dimensional Motion
h6. {toggle-cloak:id=freefall}Examples Involving Freefall
h6. {toggle-cloak:id=catchup}Examples Involving Determining when Two Objects Meet
h6. {toggle-cloak:id=all}All Examples Using this Model