Call for Proposals: 2011-2012 PEGS Graduate Fellows
Efforts around the world are taking place to sustainably attend to human needs in areas such as food, water, shelter, transportation, and security, as well as the energy to support all of these. Significant opportunities to promote environmental quality and sustainable development may lie in the synergies that span these issue arenas and capitalize on the combined strengths of the public, private and nonprofit sectors.
The Program on Environmental Governance and Sustainability (PEGS) at the Center for International Studies invites applications for the 2011-2012 Graduate Fellows program that address this year’s theme: synergies to promote environmental quality and sustainable development.
The award period runs from December 2011-December 2012. Students selected as fellows are required to participate in regular seminars during the academic year, conduct research during the award period, and present results of their work to the MIT community. Fellows are eligible to receive travel grants of up to $2,500 to offset the costs of international research.
The faculty director for this year’s fellows is Dr. Jason Jay of the MIT Sloan School of Management.
To be eligible, you must be a registered, full time student in a graduate program at MIT in the fall 2011, spring 2012, and fall 2012 and anticipate a graduation date of January 2013 or later.
To apply, submit: (1) information in the body of your email indicating your expected graduation date, name of your research supervisor, and statement attesting to your full time status at MIT during the award period; (2) current CV; and (3) proposal of up to two pages in length describing the international research you would like to conduct during the fellowship period, how your research fits with this year’s theme, its significance to your field of specialization, and how being a PEGS Graduate Fellow will support your educational and career goals.
Application materials must be submitted to no later than 5pm on 4 November 2011. Please indicate “PEGS Graduate Fellow Application” in the subject line. Decisions will be announced by 18 November.