Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Usability problems found and potential solutions

General (Both commenter and artist view):

  • Poor contrast between pins and image
  • Pins icons on comments
  • Hard to see hashtags: could have them as blue links that are the filter
  • Red border around annotation on the right looks like input field on error
  • Should disable mouse interactions with the art piece so that you can't pick it up and drag it around
  • Restyle annotations so that they aren't as big, also maybe recolor them since the red can be hard to see

Artist upload

  • upload button doesn't work
  • tags page has multiple "submit" and "next" buttons
  • privacy settings page doesn't allow you to drag a group back to being unused
  • privacy settings page allows you to drag one group on top of another

Artist view

  • maybe have an overlay on the stars that shows the actual numerical rating (e.g. "Average rating: 3.8")
  • disable crosshair over art (since it implies that you can add an annotation)
  • fix scroll jumping when you toggle filters

Commenter review:

  • Empty stars are not very visible
  • Give feedback when they rate the piece (e.g. "You have rated this piece 3 stars. Undo?")
  • Feedback/confirmation on deletion
  • allow commenters to pin comments that are only in the summary section
  • restyle tag buttons so that they actually look like buttons
  • Change mouse marker to indicate draggable
  • Expect double click to edit annotation
  • Cannot When you have a pending annotation open, cannot close annotation window if you change  your mindchange your mind, and cannot click on an existing annotation to close your pending annotation.
  • Expect double click to edit annotation - currently can't edit annotation by clicking on them


Learning through iterative design process.
