Design and Task Description:
User Interface Design 1.5
(pictures and some description go here)
- You're a babysitter. You are willing to babysit between 6pm and midnight most days, but you are going to a party this Friday and you have a test on Wednesday you want to spend some time studying for. Update your schedule accordingly.
- You're a babysitter for the Edwards family. You've forgotten when their daughter Katy is supposed to go to sleep. Look up this information.
- You want to hire a sitter for Friday 7-10PM. Find out if any of your babysitters are free for that timeblock and make a job posting for it.
- You want to hire a stieer for Friday March 22, 7-10PM. Your preference order for Sitters is Dana>Bob>Emily>Alice>Charlie. Find out if a sitter you like is free for that timeblock.
User Interface Design 1.0
In the original design we had four tabs at the top: Profile, Jobs, Schedule, and Contacts. These swapped between screens. The names were confusing and not sufficently self-descriptive. After an initial user test, we made the change to design 1.5.
User Interface Design 2.0
User Testing Notes:
Round 1:
User 1:
Task 1 - post your avalibility
- Tabs are not self descriptive
- From the parent's perspective, it seems strange to call them 'jobs'
User 2:
Task 1
- While viewing the contacts pop-up, asks "Can I just click on the background to make this go away?" (instead of clicking the small exit button)
- Had trouble realizing he had to click 'edit schedule'. Tried clicking 'display schedule'.
- Wasn't sure what, if any, the default color to paint is. If we want it to be 'good' we may wish to highlight this.
- "Every week I have to come enter/reenter my schedule?"
- Suggested log in/out button.
User 3:
Task 1