Versions Compared


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Design and Task Description:

User Interface Design 1.5

(pictures and some description go here)

  1. You're a babysitter. You are willing to babysit between 6pm and midnight most days, but you are going to a party this Friday and you have a test on Wednesday you want to spend some time studying for. Update your schedule accordingly.
  2. You're a babysitter for the Edwards family. You've forgotten when their daughter Katy is supposed to go to sleep. Look up this information.
  3. You want to hire a sitter for Friday 7-10PM. Find out if any of your babysitters are free for that timeblock and make a job posting for it.
  4. You want to hire a stieer for Friday March 22, 7-10PM. Your preference order for Sitters is Dana>Bob>Emily>Alice>Charlie. Find out if a sitter you like is free for that timeblock.

User Interface Design 1.0

In the original design we had four tabs at the top: Profile, Jobs, Schedule, and Contacts. These swapped between screens. The names were confusing and not sufficently self-descriptive. After an initial user test, we made the change to design 1.5.

User Interface Design 2.0

User Testing Notes:

Round 1:

User 1:

Task 1 - post your avalibility


  1. Tabs are not self descriptive
  2. From the parent's perspective, it seems strange to call them 'jobs'

User 2:

Task 1

  1. While viewing the contacts pop-up, asks "Can I just click on the background to make this go away?" (instead of clicking the small exit button)


  1. Had trouble realizing he had to click 'edit schedule'. Tried clicking 'display schedule'.
  2. Wasn't sure what, if any, the default color to paint is. If we want it to be 'good' we may wish to highlight this.
  3. "Every week I have to come enter/reenter my schedule?"
  4. Suggested log in/out button.

User 3:

Task 1

Round 2: