Storyboard 1 - 3D Modeling
This design is motivated by the belief that if Jack sees how the tattoo would look on their body, his expectation would be adjusted in a more realistic direction.
Jack saw some design that he likes, so he tried dragging it on to the drawing area, which seems to be the most sensible thing he could do, and the interface display him with a preview of how that tattoo would look on his body. Jacks play around with it a bit, trying different things including the tattoo aging slide bar. Finally, he has a pretty good idea of what he wants, so he prints out the design, and the screen shot of how it looks on the body, and bring them to his favorite tattoo parlor.
Design Analysis
This interface is rather simple, with everything done mostly graphically. The display area corresponds directly to the real world object (our body). So depending on some subtle details on how this is implemented, this interface have a potential for a very high learnability.